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DATES                                                                 LOCATION

Dec 3, 1926                                                          William Wallace Whitson born, Station Hospital Ft. Sam Houston, TX

Dec 3, 1926-March, 1929                                    Resident at Brooks Field, San Antonio, Texas

April, 1929-July, 1931                                          Resident at Nichols Field, Pampanga, PI

August 24, 1931- July, 1936                                Resident at Kelly Field, Texas (Grades 1-4)

August, 1936-June, 1937                                     Resident at Montgomery, Alabama (Grade 5)

August, 1937-June, 1938                                     Resident at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas (Grade 6)

August, 1938-Dec, 1938                                       Resident at Mitchell Field, NY (1st Semester; Grade 7)

January, 1938-July, 1940                                      Resident in Bogota, Colombia (Grades 7-8)

August, 1940- Jan, 1944                                       Sewanee Military Academy, Sewanee, Tenn.

Jan, 1944- June, 1944                                          Texas Tech College, Lubbock, Texas (ASTRP)

July, 1944-June, 1948                                           USMA, West Point, NY (2d Lieutenant)

August- December, 1948                                     Ground General School, Ft. Riley, Kansas

January-May, 1949                                                Basic Engineer Officers Course, Ft. Belvoir, VA

June-September, 1949                                         Coast and Geodetic Survey Training, Western US

October, 1949-Aug, 1951                                     29th Engr. Base Topo Battalion, Cavite, PI (1st Lt)

Sep, 1951-Jan, 1952                                              6th Armored Division, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO (Capt)

February, 1952-Jan, 1953                                      ADC, Dep CG, First Army, Governors Island, NY

Feb, 1953-August, 1954                                        Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford, MA

Aug, 1954-Aug, 1957                                             West Point, Social Sciences Dept.

Aug, 1957-Sep, 1958                                             Infantry School, Airborne, Ranger Trng. Ft. Benning

Sept, 1958                                                              Defended PhD dissertation at Fletcher School

Sep, 1958-November, 1959                                  KMAG; Korean Mil Academy; Seoul, Korea (Major)

Jan, 1960-July, 1961                                              82d Abn Division; Ft. Bragg, NC

Aug, 1961-Aug, 1962                                            Army Language School; Presidio; Monterey, CA

Sep, 1962-June, 1963                                            Command and General Staff School; Ft. Leavenworth

July, 1963-June, 1967                                            Foreign Area Specialist Training, Taipei, Taiwan

July, 1967-Aug, 1969                                             US Consulate General; Hong Kong, BCC (Lt. Col)

Aug, 1969-April, 1970                                            OSD, ISA-OSD,Systems Analysis (Colonel)

April, 1970                                                              Retired

May, 1970-June, 1974                                                     RAND Corporation, Washington, DC & Santa Monica

                                                                                          Published Chinese High Command; Foreign Policy and

                                                                                          US National Security; The Military and Political Power

                                                                                          in China in the 1970s; Doing Business With China.

Aug, 1974-March, 1976                                          BDM Corporation, Falls Church, Virginia                            

March, 1976- Sep, 1980                                         Library of Congress, DC, Foreign Affairs & National Defense (GS 17)

Sep, 1980- Dec, 1981                                             President, CIM Associates: Advisor on Earthquake Preparedness to

                                                                                          Governor of California

January, 1982- Feb, 2018                                       Vice President/Administration/Secretary: Foundation

                                                                                          for Inner Peace: Supervised translation and publication of 27

                                                                                          foreign languages of A Course in Miracles

                                                                                  Authored four published novels: Something Glorious,

                                                                                          The Fledgling, Apprentice Warrior and Test of Battle)

© 2018 William Wallace Whitson

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