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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Hey Whit ... Learned of your recent transition a moment ago, right on the heels of the news of our mutual friend, Len Duhl, having moved on. Such memories I continue to have of our brief moments in fellowship. I had the honor of being part of that high-powered men's group to which Len invited me to join many years ago... And you were always riding point in our presence. I recall us giving ourselves the title, the League of Nominally Extraordinary Gentlemen. Humble and gregarious semi-recluses in powerful positions in higher education, healthcare, industry, government, the military, etc. We enjoyed scintillating, wide ranging discussions in the spirit of 'intellectual brutality.' 'Those were the days, my friends!' My thoughts, my prayers & my chants go with you & your surviving family, my good friend. See you later down the line, Colonel. Count on it.

Benjamin Tong


Thursday, February 7, 2019

I am always astonished when friends--young and old--speak of their "terrible childhood". But in fact, I have long known that I was blessed with a wonderful childhood. I had built-in friends with my four siblings, who are still close to me, and I know I can count on them. And I had two amazing parents, two people who, each in their own way, brought magic and a sense of wonder into my life. And they each filled me with the absolute certainty that I was loved, that I belonged, and that I mattered.


Daddy (as I called him to the day he passed) was the breadwinner of the family. He worked hard and provided well for his large family. Gone all day, when he came home it was a privilege to fetch him his one-and-only scotch and water; to sit down to the dinner table (almost every night) when the topics of conversation could have filled National Geographic, Smithsonian, Gourmet, Time Magazine. We were all encouraged--no, expected--to chime in, and I do not recall ever being made to feel ridiculous or small for making points of little merit. Rather, Daddy would get that twinkle in his eyes, that slight tilt to his head, and encourage one to defend the indefensible. Inevitably at any given time, at least one of us would have a paper to write. How many times did my father effortlessly provide me with the opening paragraph? Truly a Renaissance Man, there seemed to be no topic of interest beneath his notice.


And yet, life would be a little serious if it were not for the leavening of humor. And Daddy had an extraordinary sense of humor, of the ridiculous, of the sublime, often commingled in a single event. A complicated joke delighted him, and he never forgot a punch line. Two of his favorite expressions were "Ah so" (delivered with a dead-pan nod of the head) and "Not necessarily so in the South", which typically sent the conversation rattling off in another direction. An open-minded man, he was also a fair and compassionate man. He could speak with Presidents and Senators, janitors and laborers, and each would know, at the close of their conversation, that Dad had been truly fascinated by them, by their stories.


In his own right, he was a master storyteller, no doubt a legacy of growing up in Tennessee, in a time when there were no TV's or radios, and evening entertainment was home-grown. When we were little, he would gather us on the couch, and it was high honor to be seated in his lap. There he would read us a tale, his voice changing with different characters, dramatic moments punctuated with appropriate --and often startling--shouts, cries or wicked laughs. (He may have been responsible for some late nights for Mom, dealing with our childish dreams). As teenagers, we would sit out on the top level balcony of the chalet house at Bryce, and Daddy would spin a story out of his amazing memory. The Tale of the Headless Horseman was always a favorite, and none of us doubted that the Horseman was on his way, towards us, through the gap in the distant mountains.


When we were little, Dad sang to each of us at bedtime. I suspect we each had our favorites: mine were Tu ra Lu ra, and Flow Gently Sweet Afton. But I'm confident he knew the lyrics and melodies to every song written from the Civil War on.

With time, I grew up, married, had children of my own. My relationship with Dad necessarily changed, as is the way of Life. I could fill another page with my regrets about the past 40 years, but suffice to say, I wish I had found more time to spend with him. He gave me the gift of life, of wonder, of joy and laughter and so much more. If I embrace my remaining years with half of his enthusiasm and zest, then I am truly blessed by his example.

I miss you and love you, Chris, ..."Bring on the Dancing Girls!"

Christina Whitson, Charlotte, NC


Sunday, January 20, 2019

As I contemplate what to write in remembrance of you, Dad, passing now nearly a year ago, I am conscious of an enduring paralysis that has stymied the best of intentions. More than just my normal procrastination, my inability – even resistance - to putting into words thoughts and feelings and memories of you speaks of a deep down emptiness of spirit that I think began with Mom’s death. Time has softened some of the ache that has pervaded my soul, but grief follows its own schedule.

Still, I know that you would be very impatient with a mopey attitude! Lord knows your approach to death seemed more akin to anticipating your next adventure, for which you had been preparing all your life. How aptly termed – ‘passing’ – as if one has passed some exam, graduating to the next level of existence. Pondering such mysteries was always a pastime you delighted in, sharing your thoughts in conversation and through letters, usually with a measure of humor that conveyed a sense of confidence and ease - not at all as if the subject was a matter of life and death! And I have no doubt that as you traversed that final passage from mortality to eternity, your whole being was alight, smiling, laughing … joyfully embracing the next phase of your place in the universe.

Thinking of you in this way – of still being present in spirit – has also lessened the sorrow your physical absence created. So when a poignant memory flashes through my mind, perhaps triggered by a song you taught us, a movie or TV show you often mentioned, or the ever-evocative scent of eucalyptus, I’m trying more and more to embrace the emotions such memories evoke and let your presence in turn embrace me. And when I want to hear your actual voice – speaking, singing, or lecturing! – I have only to pop in a CD or DVD, for which I am so grateful to Judy as she understood how much the many videos and recordings you left behind would mean to us.

Your ‘written voice’ in the form of your books and letters mean more now to me than ever before, though it grieves me to think of how much I took for granted the amazing legacy of the Born For Flight series. At first it was daunting to absorb the scholarship behind those books (not to mention humbling!), and even a bit discomfiting, hearing – in a way - my father’s own story through his telling of Davy’s. But I finally read the books with less the heart of a child and more the mind of an adult, and now only wish I had done so sooner so I could ask the questions only you could answer, share my thoughts, and express my admiration. Thankfully, I think you sensed what I might never have vocalized, and understood even when I may have felt inadequate in what I was trying to say.

No wonder you did so well as the director of translation work for the Course! More than just organized, never overwhelmed by a huge project, you had that combination of knowledge, intuition and instinct that made you a remarkable editor. I am pretty sure that any accolades I received on countless essays, papers and speeches, from my kindergarten Valedictorian address (!) to a report on Chinese espionage, were owed as much to you as to my own efforts. Regardless of the outcome, what I am most grateful for are the memories of working with you to create a good product. I find I don’t even remember the papers themselves, but I cherish your comments and notes, scribbled in what sometimes seemed illegible handwriting, and the recollection of the conversations that the topic of the report would foster.

Even more, I treasure the letters and emails we exchanged. I am not, and I guess never have been, much of one for phone conversations – another thing I hope you understood as I was hopeless about calling with any frequency. Honestly I wasn’t the greatest letter writer either, though I have a few I sent to you (clearly saved because their accomplishment represented a landmark event in my mind!), and have all you sent to me. I doubt I will ever compose an autobiography so meticulously documented as yours, but I must have inherited from you the propensity to save every written note, card, letter, email … even calendar – optimistically tucked away for reference when I SOME DAY write that oft-promised story of my life for the kids.

Going over some of these in recent months initially had the effect of only further thwarting any efforts to write, evoking a feeling somewhat akin to that I have felt looking at pictures of the kids as they have grown up – a bittersweet nostalgia marking the blessings of life, the swift passage of time and the yearning to go back and better appreciate the fleeting moments as they occurred. But somehow, as the sorrow has begun to lift, immersing myself in your words and ideas has reminded me of the countless gifts you gave me –the experiences of travel, foreign cultures and languages, the love of music, songs, and stories, an appreciation for history and roots, and most especially family. I am so grateful that I had a stable family life growing up, for parents who made parenting seem easy, for brothers and a sister whom I adore because you never favored one of us over another and because you bound us together with unforgettable experiences and wonderful memories.
This poem I wrote for your 80th birthday captures some of those memories, and the gratitude I still feel.

Treasured child on Daddy’s lap,
Drinking her ‘bockin’ or taking a nap.
Mozart and Mandarin, familiar to her ears,
Formative sounds in later years.

Taiwan’s memories, a child’s paradise –
Eating backyard grapefruit or cook’s fried rice.
Brothers and sister and a big jungle gym,
Learning to live lives full to the brim.

Hong Kong was tram rides to Victoria’s Peak,
St. John’s on Sunday and curry puff treats.
Freckles and Tigger and climbing in trees,
Sailing a junk on the South China Sea.

No wonder I cried flying home to the States,
Too young to remember my own birthplace.
But new friends and neighbors on Randolph St.
Created new memories, the transition to complete.

Like watching Disney movies on Sunday night
After a weekend of making the yard just right,
Or fine gourmet dinners with you holding court,

Some history lesson or news to report.

The Nelson Street house was a teenager’s dream
With a yard, swimming pool, and a big trampoline –
I treasured your counsel on papers -- and on life,
Brilliant thinker and writer and healer of strife.

Our trips to Bryce Mountain to hike or to ski
Were chances to practice singing in harmony.
Those songs you taught us are still with me today,
As are the stories you told while sipping Earl Grey.

Now I tell the stories to kids of my own,
And sing all the songs on trips or at home.
You are father and Granddad and mentor and friend,
Thank you, Dad, for giving such gifts without end.

I love you Dad, and I miss you dearly, but you are ever-present in my heart and mind through your stories and songs, pictures and letters, and best of all – through my siblings and children, carrying on a legacy of love.

Shawn Bateman (Cambridge, NY)


Saturday, December 20, 2018

I too have been extremely remiss in posting on this website. I’m sure Dad is smiling right now as his son the “Master Procrastinator” shows his true colors! I think in a way making an entry for me would be a final recognition that he is gone, and I was not willing to accept that. Even as I write I still don’t feel he has left – he has always been a phone call away and I am sure if I dial his number he would instantly pick up!

My memories of Dad run the gamut. From an early age I remember having great love and immense respect for him. Dad could do virtually everything. Something broken? He could fix it good as new. Problem with someone? He knew what to do. And his voice – it could literally make you feel safe and secure one moment and then the next moment like there was no place you could hide to escape his wrath if you crossed the line! Of course as a child that line had to be crossed and boy did Rob and I cross it a lot! I will never forget one time being in Old Bess, our SUV at that time, and Rob and I were tickling each other which Mom did not find amusing. After telling us for the fourth time to stop she then used the trump card – “That is it. When we get home I am telling your father and you both are getting a spanking!” I can still feel the cold sweat that went down my back that day. 

Thankfully I eventually started to grow up and then one day when I was in my mid-teens I had a turning point with Dad. We were at Bryce Mountain on vacation and he asked me to go for a walk so we could talk. Usually that meant a one-way conversation but this time it was different. He spoke to me not as an equal, but not as a child any more. For the first time I felt like my opinion mattered, I mattered to him. My relationship with Dad only grew from there and to this day I wonder if he ever knew how much that one talk meant to me.

With Dad living in San Francisco and my career in the Navy focused on the east coast our conversations were mostly limited to phone calls. Traci tells me I get the gift of the gab from Dad and I am sure she is right. Dad and I could literally talk for hours, but it felt like mere minutes and I remember always wanting to talk just a little longer. His advice and wisdom on any subject were spot on. And when I called just to talk, it seemed like he was always available, always willing to drop everything on his busy schedule to hear my voice. 

That is what I will miss the most – his voice and our talks. I love you Dad!

Capt. Andrew Whitson


Sunday, December 16, 2018

I have put off an entry to this site for months and for many reasons: perhaps because I still feel an acute loss, perhaps because life has a habit of getting in the way, and maybe because every time I try to start I am flooded with so many memories that I’m not sure where to start.

At a very early age dad told me that I was born old. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but I remember him holding me responsible for all actions taken by my brothers and sisters. This was usually not all of the good things they were doing! If I wasn’t already old my siblings were going to get me there mighty fast!

When I was ten years old dad basically handed me the keys to the city of Victoria, Hong Kong. I remember like it was yesterday coming off the Blue Star ferry and Dad giving me 50 HK dollars and saying, “the city of Victoria is your playground.” Aside from having to call in every three hours there were no other caveats to my new freedom. Our mother thought he had lost his mind ... I know because I asked her years later and she vividly remembered being convinced that this was not going to end well.

When I was fifteen dad started me on flying lessons and sent me off to boarding school. He also learned to fly and was sent to Sewanee Military Academy during his high school years. We both had successful military careers and spent time in emergency management. There are many other stories, all connections to this amazing man, and at each turn I can remember his quiet and thoughtful advice; never directive but usually with a subtle lesson. In retrospect almost everything I can remember about dad had a lesson. In his later years we spoke often about how our lives paralleled each other in so many ways. I could listen to my dad speak about any subject, but most of all about the journey we are each on to better get to know Holy Spirit.

No matter where I was I always felt at peace when I needed his council. Even when I couldn’t reach him directly I’ll never forget his advice. “When faced with a decision and uncertain choices, choose the path that brings you peace. You will invariably pick the path you are supposed to follow.”

I am enormously grateful to Holy Spirit for the opportunity to have you as my father. I miss you terribly but know you are always there and that we are always connected.

Whit Jr Whitson (Williamsburg, VA)


February 3, 2019

I will always cherish the role that Whit played in my life, and that of my family.  He was the perfect partner for my mother and, in that respect and so many others, a wholly loved and respected step-father.  Everyone who met Whit quickly came to appreciate the wealth of his knowledge and wisdom, his enduring quest to enrich these, and his equally indomitable desire to share them.  When he wasn’t asking questions, he was telling stories that, though on the surface sometimes seemed quirky or fanciful, always had a message that was intended to gently guide and/or reassure.  I often marveled at, and continue to hold as a model, Whit’s blend of sophistication and accomplishment without a trace of arrogance or judgement.   He fully accepted everyone he loved and, though he had strong opinions about matters of the world, also seemed open to accepting just about everyone in it.  In this respect, he truly embodied the values and ideals by which he sought to live, and continues to live in my mind and my heart.

Jonathan Cohen (Princeton, NJ)

February 7, 2019

Dearest William Wallace Whitson, 

Thank you for giving me such a deep, personal, tangible frame of reference for a truly good man on this planet. Thank you for coming into my life and being so steady with your love that you have taught me what it means to REALLY love. Thank you for including me among your own children and for loving my son as a beloved grandson. Thank you for loving and taking care of my mother the way you did and the way that no one else could have. Thank you for showing me what a fool I was and how, as Professor Lin said, “I didn’t know nearly as much as I thought I did” (as this is the only thing I am beginning to see that I know at all!). Thank you for being my guide, my frame of reference and my support for all that is the positive ‘male.’ Thank you for everything everyone sees that you’ve done for both my mother and FIP and even more, thank you for all that you’ve done that no one sees, that was and has been profoundly deep and continually flowing as the love in your own heart, when it beat here and also in the hereafter.  I was in awe of you and I can’t believe how fortunate I was to have gotten to have you in my life as a father, with or without the step. Thank you with all my heart.

 In continuous gratitude, love and awe,



February 6, 2019
I have many memories of Granddaddy Bill, the first of which is from when I visited him and Judy when I was 12 (I think - maybe 16?).  My mom, brother and I were met at the airport by a limo (which, if memory serves, had a title to do with Strawberries….).  I remember him as being very intellectual and ready to discuss any topic you could think of.  While he always came across as a gentle, intellectual giant, underneath I also got the impression of someone who could “lay down the law” in a firm, straightforward way, when necessary, without necessarily raising his voice.  He always seemed very sure of himself and the world he inhabited, and expected you to keep up with him (intellectually or otherwise).  What I also remember is that he had a canny knack of understanding a person, even within a few minutes of meeting. He always knew I enjoyed literature, but especially history, and it was over the American Civil War that we especially connected.  In Granddaddy Bill, I always knew I had a kindred historic spirit, living in the past, present and future at the same time.  

Rachel Ramsey,  Palo Alto, CA


February 5, 2019

I don't have too many memories of Granddaddy... but there is one that I distinctly remembers. I must have been 3 or 4, maybe younger, and at the time they were living in a house that had a pool. I was pretty terrified of the motorized vacuum cleaner that ran along the bottom of the pool and I didn't like swimming when it was going. I remember asking him if he could make it stop and he said something along the lines of "Of course, as long as you give me a hug first." That's a sweet memory that only stuck with me.

Sarah Bateman
Cambridge, NY


Friday, August 10, 2018
I compulsively delete all my emails, but there is one that I have held onto since 2016. This email is a response from Grandpa (Whit) to a letter I had written him as thanks for a present. In his response, he wrote, "We have been together many times, exchanging roles and motives the better to empathize with all characters. I thank all the gods for giving me that time to live near you from your birth, yet once again." Grandpa, I could not know with more certainty that we will be together again, because although we may not have been related by blood, the bond we had was stronger than most. I continue to think of you almost every day and feel as though I were truly the lucky one in getting to live near you for my entire life up to this point. I love you with all my heart, respect you with everything I am, and am looking forward to seeing you on the other side and meeting you in our next lives.

Lije Morgan
New York City

February 15, 2018

There is nothing I can say that can either console or add, I am sure, to the sentiments that have been expressed by people close to Whit, for I was not fortunate enough to know him well, but I was fortunate to know him at all.

   Unique, special, one of a kind - all has been said about him and all true. Every time we met and spoke I was struck by his gentility, sharp mind, sense of humour, directness and peacefulness, as well as the rare desire to listen and understand, not to mention help. Unlike most, he knew exactly who he was. And of course, he was easy on the eyes. A beautiful man, a beautiful human, a beautiful soul and spirit.

   Not many people leave a distinct and singular impression on me. He did. And then some.

   I am privileged to have known him.

Much love,

Natasha Feldgun

New York City


February 15, 2018

I must have been 3 or 4, maybe younger, and at the time Ganddad was living in a house that had a pool. I was pretty terrified of the motorized vacuum cleaner that ran along the bottom of the pool and I didn’t like swimming when it was going. I remember asking him if he could make it stop and he said  something along the lines of “of course, as long as you give me a hug first.” That’s a sweet memory that always stuck with me. 

Sarah Bateman

Cambridge, NY


Monday, June 18, 2018

A kind, intelligent, wise and interesting man.

I was honored to meet him on the path of life.

Sundari Dembe


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Whit taught me that fathers can be present, healthy, always learning, interested and caring. For me he was a fabulous and blessed mentor that my children truly benefitted from. His dedication to breaking the cycle of purposeless suffering is exemplified by your collaboration to serving the dissemination of the Course. Thanks be in haleluhia!

Dr. William Wulsin


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dear Judy, he's in the wind. I will sorely miss him.

Take care of yourself.

With all our love.

John Torpey (Oakalnd)


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Dearest Judy,

As you know, I am so very sorry about Whit's "trip to the next Village." He was a wonderful man, a true gentleman who will be missed by all of us who were lucky enough to know him. As I said yesterday, Whit was perhaps the most grateful patient that I have ever known--- grateful for the "big' and "little' things in life, for our care and especially for you. He told us that on many occasions.

While we mourn it is good to remember that he was not scared or even worried about dying and, as deaths go, this was one of the more "beautiful" ones I've seen. I learn something from every patient. I learned more from Whit than most. I miss him.

Love, Al

Al Oppenheim, MD (CA)


Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Tribute to my brother Bill

So many years ago Whit answered a request from “cousin” Reeve Whitson (who was not his cousin) to fly to Burbank to meet another Whitson “cousin” (also not a cousin) who was visiting from New York. Without hesitation, Whit hopped on a plane in San Francisco and literally flew into my life. I look back on that day as being one of the most important days of my life. Though we shared a last name, we were not related, but Whit welcomed me into his life, and became the brother I never had. For me Whit will always be “Bill,” as that was how Reeve introduced him to me.

   Over the years I have learned about Bill’s extraordinary achievements, beginning with his successful military career that began as a cadet at West Point. After serving his country for many years in many high-ranking roles he found himself searching for a different direction in life. While searching for “a better way,” he met Judy Skutch, the One who was destined to become his soul mate. Together they forged a loving, powerful union, dedicating their energies to the publication and dissemination of A Course in Miracles throughout the world. One of Bill’s many achievements as Vice President of the Foundation for Inner Peace was shepherding the translation of the Course into 27 languages, with many more still in progress.

   Bill, together with his beloved Judy, epitomizes the Course’s principles of love and forgiveness, always asking for and following their Inner Guidance for direction in all decisions. Together they always managed to include a great deal of joy and laughter in whatever surprises life held for them, often laughing through many tearful moments. I experienced the love and empathy that Bill had for all who were fortunate to know him, and feel blessed to have been part of his incredible journey through life. Above all, I rejoice in the love I felt, and will always feel, for him as the brother I never had. He is with me still, and I know he is smiling down right now as I write these words.

   I miss you my beloved brother, and will always remember the laughter, joy and tears we shared.

Ivor Whitson (Putnam Valley, NY)


Friday, March 02, 2018

If there were such a thing as a Knight in Shining Armour, that would be YOU Whit.

You are the One.

The One Man I always dreamed of meeting who would make that fairy tale seem so real.

You mean so much to me and I love you dearly. I am so grateful for every conversation, every time I held your hand, hugged you, (those hugs were priceless) and for all our fun times. I miss you and I love you.


Just a few words to describe you.

LOVING, Gracious, Generous, Smart, Fun, Honorable, Strong, Creative, Brilliant, Caring, Trustworthy, Protective, Fatherly, Funny

A great father, husband, friend, and leader.

Wherever you are, I am smiling with you.



Laura Fenamore (Greenbrae, CA)


Friday, March 02, 2018

Please express to Judy my deepest feelings of love and support. I can just imagine how she feels, yet please tell her that I am - and all the ACIM community is, I am sure - very close to her and we all hug her with love and incommensurable gratitude.

I have read the very interesting biography of Whit. I had no idea of who he was, and where he was coming from. His life's story impressed me very much and reminded me of the line from the Manual that says that the teachers of God "... come from all over the world. They come from all religions and from no religion. They are the ones who have answered." Really what truly matters is only to answer the Call, as he did. I regret not having known him personally, but often his devotion and dedication to the Course inspired me and always elicited in me thoughts of gratitude and nobleness. We know that there is no death. I think he is still with us, walking home as we all try to do.

Patrizia Terreno (Italy)


Friday, March 02, 2018

Dear Judy,

I just came to know of Whit's passing back to The Realm of Freedom, for which we are all destined. He lived true to his purpose here, "joining in the joyful task of bringing Light". Reminding us all that is why we are here, to serve the Truth, the Light, the Love. Our sincere and unspeakable gratitude to you both for you parts in this Plan that cannot be measured. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Marianne Woo (San Francisco, CA)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

The only response I have is tears. You and Whit have modeled the sweet gratefulness for each precious day together . . . savoring the pure presence of one another. That love has touched me deeply.

May that love remain palpable through Spirit and the loving presence of local & adopted family near and far . . . as everyone you’ve ever met experiences you as family. You expand loving community like no one I’ve ever known.

With a heart so full of love and compassion,

Darby Fetzer (Schoolcraft, MI)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

Dear Whit has left his body, knowing that he is still as God created him.

Thank you for sending this warm and respectful message about his long and active life.

So please receive my condolences. Specially I offer them to you Judy, who need to live on without your soulmate, but still united with him in Spirit. And to you Tamara, who will miss your dear step-father.

The last time we have seen each other was at the Translators Gathering (2012). Then I said to myself that I want to become like him, radiant with a gentle love, patient, and always kind. He really inspired me, just the way he was.

With love,

Willem Glaudemans (The Netherlands)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

Querida y apreciada señora Judith, reciba ante todo un cordial saludo y mis mejores deseos que se encuentre bien.

Aprovechó la oportunidad para enviarle mi más cordial sentimiento de solidaridad por la pérdida física de su amado esposo, aún cuando el cielo está de fiesta y reunidos con el Curso en el paraíso azul.

Yo continuo extendiendo el mensaje del Curso, aunque extraño mucho a mi amada maestra Rosa María.

De verdad, Un Curso de Milagros es el mensaje de amor mas bello que ha llegado sobre la faz de la tierra y mi agradecimiento eterno a usted por permitir que la Verdad la usase para contribuir a la extensión del mismo.

Reciba todo mi amor y gratitud y una lluvia de bendiciones para su vida.

Lisbeth de Adrianza


Thursday, March 01, 2018

The Memorial Legacy and Tribute website to Whit is so well done in -

it is commendable in celebrating and honoring his extraordinary life. It not only recognizes William Whitson as a remarkable man of the world, but also attests to how he faithfully attended to overseeing A Course in Miracles translation into so many languages – and then some. In this, how can we not be grateful to him and the spiritual translation legacy he left as his vital contribution to the Course.

   Also, overseeing A Course in Miracles' translation into so many languages is truly the monumental contribution he attended to in establishing the Course's outreach worldwide. It attests to the remarkable person he was, and in this we honor him and his spiritual celebration-of-life legacy.

   Accordingly – in his distinguished life, career, achievements, awards and contributions – truly his legacy work was in seeing that A Course in Miracles was correctly translated beyond English into a multitude of other languages that were essential in the Course's dissemination worldwide. And so through Whit's spiritual legacy, others now have access to reading and understanding A Course in Miracles in their own native tongue. And as It turned out, this monumental translation task required exactness and understanding and so it was no coincidence that it landed on his shoulders, because: "Who but William Whitson could do it?" – which he did.

For me, It was always a joy and pleasure to be with Whit at times over the years we knew each other. He was an inspiration and I was always grateful and glad to have him as a friend. His presence in this life will be sorely missed by all of us who knew him.

So thank you dear Judy for Whit's Tribute and Memorial. God bless you in this and in your own Course work as well.

With so much Love, Peace and Consolation, Jim

James Bolen (Larkspur Landing, CA)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

My Beloved Whit,

 Being so close together for a quarter of a century gave us time to complete a deep relationship based on an ancient connection. You helped me feel safe and took the role of caring for me as a spiritual father and teacher. To me you were kind, respectful and had an angel essence. We enjoyed the humor of teasing each other in many languages some of them we made up, but above all we always spoke the language of love. And now I can truly say, I love you with the Love of God.

Ana Trujillo (Petaluma, CA)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

Dearest Whit---There are so many memories of the times Ulf and I spent with both you and Judy. We shared homes, ideas and there was always great comfort in sharing anything in each other's presence. Whit and Ulf were the consummate gentlemen. i feel both of your loving presence, along with Bill, as you share your new adventure.I've been re-reading parts of Whit's novels he wrote in the Born-for-Flight series and was reminded he had asked Ulf and I to read one of the the manuscripts and give him feedback. His books weave fiction and history in a compelling way. Keep on sharing your free and creative spirit, even though you no longer need words.

Lovingly---Beverly Hamilton

Beverly Hamilton (Santa Rosa, CA)


Monday, February 26, 2018

Dear Whit: We have just learned about your home going. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet you through your dearest Judy while you journeyed on this plane. We will always remember your writing and your love of flying. Thank you for sharing your synergy and energy with us. You are a blessing to all of us.

Aeeshah & Kokomon Clottey (Oakland, CA)


Monday, February 26, 2018

Whit was my friend, mentor and hero. His wonderfully kind, intelligent manor and great sense of humor challenged my thinking and elevated my spirit. He is loved. He is missed. I celebrate his life.

Jim Lavelle (Marin County, CA)


Monday, February 26, 2018

I knew Whit through Judy. I would come to the house to visit and he always had a big smile and an even bigger hug for me. I looked forward to that. Funny that what stands out the most for me besides his kind and gentle way was even when he wasn't feeling well and in his pj's, he would always come out and greet me wearing a vest. I loved the dichotomy of that vision.

I always had a sense of his and Judy's greatness, but with both of them being such humble people, until reading about him here, I never knew to what degree. It's too bad I never took the opportunity to get to know him better however, I feel very lucky to have known him at all. Ta Ta for now dear, sweet Whit. I'll do my best to keep a smile on your Judy's shana punium. Love and Hugs, Debs

Deb Campo (San Anselmo, CA)


Sunday, February 25, 2018 

My friendship with Judy Skutch was well established before William Whitson came into her life and, after their marriage, into mine. I liked him from the moment we met. There was so much about Whit to like: his warmth, his fine mind, the soft way he spoke, his gracious manners and sense of humor. Almost immediately, we formed a friendship which has enriched my life for the past 25 years.

    Although it is impossible to measure or rank the gifts of friendship, one of my greatest pleasures during those years were the conversations we had. Engaging Whit on almost any topic was always an educational experience—and it was great fun! I delighted in his quick wit and irreverent sense of humor though he never used them to attack or diminish anyone. He was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. Perhaps the most verbally gifted person I’ve ever known, his capacity for listening deeply and respectfully was rare and inspiring. Even when we didn’t agree, I always felt “heard” by Whit, never judged.

    By the time we became friends, Whit had achieved an astonishing range of professional successes--something I was reminded of as I read his memorial page. What impressed me most about him, however, was not his dazzling resume, which he rarely mentioned. Rather, it was his genuine humility and kind heart. The William Whitson I knew and loved was a man who measured his self-worth not by his public achievements but by the inner, spiritual values he shared with Judy, expressed through their joint sense of purpose: making the teachings of A Course in Miracles available to the world. I shall miss him.

Godspeed, dear friend.

Patricia Hopkins (Boulder, CO)


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Whit had a huge impact on me as I know he did with everyone he touched. He will forever be one of a kind and I get a sensation of overwhelming happiness when I think of his face and the way he squinted his eyes and smiled when we spoke. He was an amazing listener. He is an epic role model for me in a special way. I am grateful for the times we shared and this amazing family.

Jiggs Love (Los Angeles, CA)


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Whit, You are my hero. I love you and feel you everywhere. You have made the most impactful imprint on my soul.

Thank you

Nikola Love (Los Angeles, CA)


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Eternal Gratitude Dr Whitson for the Love that was given through you. The poem CONVERSATION is very relevant to where ACIM is leading the dreamer!

Stella Pilon (St-Jérôme, Quebec, Canada)


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Your sparking eyes and smiling face fill my heart whenever I think of you, beloved Whit. You always greeted everyone with your strong, wonderful hug and cheery welcome. I absolutely adored visiting with you as I knew you would have something humorous to say, and I was always amazed at depth of your expansive knowledge and wisdom. Your personal stories were so unendingly delightful. You filled any space with Joy, Laughter, Kindness, Light, Wisdom and Love.

    I want to thank you for being my daughters’ grandpa, a constant shining example of what a gentle gentleman is, along with your inner strength. Witnessing the relationship you and Judy shared was and is the beacon they both aspire to.

    Overflowing joy and gratitude for sharing this ancient sacred assignment for over 32 years. You lived the Course and you exemplified, “Teach only LOVE, for that is what you ARE”.

    I’m sure the Light is a little brighter with you in it, and the cosmos is filled with rounds of jolly laughter! SOAR, Whit, SOAR!

    Limitless Love,

Lo, Tatyana, Nikola, Jiggs and Radley

Lois Rees Lewis (Tiburon, CA)


Friday, February 23, 2018

Dear Judith,

I don´t feel Whit is gone. This has never happened to me before with any of the family members and friends who have passed away.

It has been a few days now since his passing and yet to some part of me he is still alive as if I could run on to him next time I come to Tiburon.

   Thank you very much for having been part of my life for so many years. I will be forever grateful to you, to Whit and to the rest of the FIP family for the opportunity to learn the principles of A Course in Miracles. I continue to do the lessons every day and I pray that just before my last breath I will remember the lesson for the day or some other sentence from the Course as Whit did.

   Thank you also for this beautiful memorial website. I send you a big hug and all my love!

Fernando Gómez

ACIM Spanish translation team member

Fernando Gomez (Weed, CA)


Friday, February 23, 2018

De tout cœur merci, cher frère, pour ce fabuleux Service à l’humanité. Je rends grâces à Jésus et à tous ses porte-parole qui m’ont aidé à reprendre conscience de la réalité de l’esprit que je suis. Et à accepter d’entendre la Voix de l’Amour qui m’inspire et me guide à me détacher de ce monde pour m’éveiller en Dieu, en toute quiétude.

Rosy Porrovecchio (Tadoussac, Québec, Canada)


Friday, February 23, 2018

I've never met a kinder, wiser soul. I had the honor of spending a miraculous afternoon with Whit and Judy. What a lovely, lovely man, and what a beautiful couple. Whit gave me his "Test of Battle" which I so enjoyed reading. A while back I discovered his fascinating "Myths and Misinformation" about Bill Thetford and the CIA.

   Dear Judy, family, and loved ones I send you my deepest condolences and warmest embrace, and I trust that his eternal presence is comforting you from beyond the skies.

   Dear Whit, I am deeply grateful to have met you, your legacy and contributions will continue to touch our lives.

With abiding respect,

Jim Hagopian (Calabasas, CA)


Friday, February 23, 2018

Dear Judy,

I know how you must feel, having lost my mate, Pamela, after a long partnership. She was always available for a second opinion I could count on.

   Our lives changed after we heard you and Whit introducing ACIM at Lane Cove Town hall, Sydney in 1980 resulting in our meeting several times over the years.

   You will be comforted from people all over the world who love you both.


Bill McDonald (And from everybody in Australia)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Alas, we will miss you Whit. You are among a vanishing breed... a True Gentleman... Your word was your bond. You protected the weak and vulnerable. You valued hard work and excellence. You led from the front. You were a true husband and a good father and an example for all of us... HAND SALUTE TO YOU COLONEL and Bon Voyage.

Jack & Eulalia Luckett (HONOLULU, HI)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dear Judy,

We are so sad to hear that Whit has passed away and we want to express our deepest sympathy. Whit was such an extraordinary and warm-hearted man. We are deeply grateful that we had the chance to get to know him and we can only try to imagine what a big loss this is to you. You and Whit will always be in our hearts. We send you all our love

Anna & Wolfgang

Anna Gudrun Appelbaum (Germany)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Thank you for notifying me of William's passing. We managed to become good friends through numerous e-mails, and to trust each other. My only regret is that we were unable to meet in person when Albert Harloff and I were invited to Temecula in 2008 to spend a whole week with Ken Wapnick to discuss the upcoming Norwegian version. William indeed was given a long and meaningful life. Please convey my condolences to Judy and others if it seems appropriate.

With much love,

Roald Pettersen in Norway

(Norwegian Translation Team)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dearest Judy,

We are with you at this time when your beloved Whit has left the body and has returned home.

Whit knew perfectly, just like you, that we are not a body but Spirit, although we can not deny the pain we feel when a loved one is leaving.

It is only an illusory time lapse in him you will believe that Whit is not there but in reality he is more than ever with you!

What unites you is the Love of God, and that Love is permanent and eternal.

We have shared beautiful moments recent years and being with you was like being with only one being, full of light, peace and joy.

We love you and count on us for everything you want.

We send you a very deep hug.

Isabel & Jordi

Jordi del Ray (Barcelona, Spain)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Please accept my deepest and most sincere sympathy to you, and your and Whit’s family. Regardless of his age, what a loss his death brings for those of us who loved him, and to the world.

In all of his many work and calling incarnations he was a sincere, service minded teacher and giver who generously offered his effort, scholarly learning, insights and loving intentions so that the world was a better place.

I can only imagine how bereft you feel. Thank goodness for the loving support of family and friends at times like this. Even though at our age we have developed a spiritual and psychological acceptance of the bigger picture and of what is inevitable, grief, in my opinion, can be challenging to deal with.

I count myself as one of the privileged who, over many years, got to know Whit behind his public persona. For me he will always be the gentle, engaging, tender and kind hearted, emotionally intelligent, wise elder with a warm, amused sparkle in his eyes and a chuckle always at the ready

I really enjoyed seeing the photo board on the memorial site, and in particular I love the photograph of Whit in the hat. It is so Indiana Jones - who was another adventurous change maker distinguished by a fedora and his sense of humor, deep knowledge of languages - and ancient civilizations.

With love,

Penelope Walsh (Australia)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 

Gratetfulness for the love that was made possible through all the languages in which the Course has been translated. My brother, I love you!

Myra Fidelman (Almelo) - The Netherlands


Monday, February 19, 2018 

It was a true honor and a joy to have been able to meet Dr. Bill Whitson before he ceased to walk this world last Thursday, February 8. To have known him personally - along with the entire family of the Foundation for Inner Peace - means to me to have met sweetness, kindness and devotion. I thank God for his Harmonious Presence. I love you and I honor you Bill Whitson! You're in my heart with gratitude.

Carolina Corada (Ibiza, Spain)


Monday, February 19, 2018

Very pleased to meet you Mr. Whitson. I am a new practitioner of the course and it is inspiring to read about great men like you.

It is comforting to know that you are still with us, just in a different form.

Camila Osorio (Miami Beach, FL)


Monday, February 19, 2018

What a gift it was to be in his presence in this world. And what a gift it will be to feel his presence in our hearts. Rest in peace.

Helena Juez (Logroño La Rioja Spain)


Sunday, February 18, 2018


Votre passage à la Fondation a dû être très bénéfique pour tout le monde. Votre apport quant aux traductions, a été bénéfique a beaucoup de personnes. Connaître et pratiquer le CEM, est salvateur pour tous.

Reposez en paix, vous êtes la pour nous accueillir maintenant.


Michele LaPalme (St-Charles sur Richelieu, QC, Canada)


Sunday, February 18, 2018 

Even though I did not know you well, the few times I spent with you showed the caring, compassionate person you were, and are. You have blessed my life and I am thankful for the joining we had at a difficult time when our beloved sister, Rosa, passed away exactly a year from your passing. May you rest in His Eternal Peace.

Lorraine Geary (Richmond, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

A true gentleman. A truly gentle man. A perfect fit for his beloved wife, Judy, and his beautiful family, with whom our thoughts are. May his kind example continue to inspire all of us to rest in peace, where Whit rests now, where Whit has always been. What a gift it was to be in his presence in this world. And what a gift it will be to feel his presence in our hearts.

Eliana and James Burkel (Fallbrook, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018 

The Course, translated, was Whit's big mission;

To bring to life twenty-six editions.

He did all that, and that is why

Our dear friend Whit will never die.

Bob & Lee Skutch (Mill Valley, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

I had the humble privilege of Whit & Judith’s presence with Ken Wapnick at one of the Miracle Center’s ACIM Conferences in Anaheim, Ca. As I felt the Great Rays of Whit’s and his Mighty Companions hearts warm my spirit, I shall always remember the joy of being witness to Whit’s love and commitment for the Course, to the all of humankind so sorely thirsting for its message of hope, peace and salvation, and to all of us there, a sacred Holy Encounter in our journey to the Home we never left, borne on the River of Vast Illusion as it winds to the Sea of Oneness joined as One, wherein we all eternally dwell.

John S. (Jack) Brooks (Lake Arrowhead, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dear Judith and family, may these lines from "The Gifts of God" accompany you now and in the coming days:

"Do not forget His Thanks and understand the gratitude of God goes far beyond all things the world can offer, for His Gifts will last forever in His Heart and ours. (...)

Forget all things except my changeless Love. Forget all things except that I am here" (P128)

Ben & Miryam Andriessen (Co. Durham, U.K.)


Saturday, February 17, 2018 

Whit was one of my heroes whom I held in great esteem. I loved his last words, which so touched my heart, “I am not a body, I am free.” What an incredibly simple transition.

Phoebe Lauren (France)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Words completely fail, but I just wanted to say that to me Whit was the epitome of a good man…I always felt his loving presence and I know that his graciousness and humor have affected me on the deepest levels. I think he was probably the finest man I have ever known, and I mean that with all my heart. I already miss him tremendously but know his absence hasn’t fully sunk in for me.

Edwin (Win) Bottum Morgan (Mill Valley, CA)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Whit's leaving his body must feel like an amputation. Wish you with all my heart that his spirit may surround and comfort you, as does Jesus' presence. And when you look up into the sky at night, that star there, twinkling, might say to you: thank God we're joined always and always,


Franchita Cattani (Switzerland)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

I have great memories a meeting him and felt the love both of you had for each other. Whit soars in his freedom reminding us of Love. May God keep blessing you Always,

Ray Padilla (Mexico)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Today I learned about the departure of a very important and beloved person. For me, Whit was a model of true courageous love and an example of divine presence in man. Here, on Earth, we will miss him, but his Blessing and Love will always be with us.

Please accept my deepest and most sincere condolences.

With prayer and love,

Oleg (Russia)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Whit was a truly extraordinary human being. I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who combined brilliance, elegance, dedication, kindness, and so much more like Whit. I will never, ever forget his generosity of spirit and beautiful, supportive open heart.

Carol Howe (FL)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Judy, Remembering this quote from the Course “All your past except its beauty is gone, and nothing is left but a blessing.” And certainly Whit was (and still is) such a blessing to everyone who was lucky enough to know him. You and he have been so blessed to share a beautiful love and while he’s now left the physical form onto the next step in this journey of eternal life we all share, I know your deep love for each other will continue and that you’ll still be together. Your love has been an inspiration for Richard and me through the years, and we so treasure our friendship with you both.

You’re in our prayers (as is Whit) and all our love, Ann

Ann Hutchinson (AZ)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

To Whit:

I didn’t realize on the day we met more than thirty years ago that you were going to change my life forever. Memories cross my mind like a kaleidoscope – a vision of the love I feel for you, the gratitude of having you in my life, the joy of working with you on your books, the tears we shed when things went wrong, the laughter we all shared sitting around many tables, the wonder of listening to you talking, the fun of exploring many houses that were never bought, listening to you explain the Elliot Wave theory, the work we did together on Course business… so much more. These just scratch the surface of memories we shared.

   So many quotes can express my feeling for you, but the one that has kept me going this week: ?

   “I am strong when I am on your shoulders; ?You raise me up to more than I could be.”

   You carried so many on your shoulders. Just knowing you raised all who knew and loved you to more that we could be.

   I miss your presence but know we’ll meet again.

Ronnie Whitson (Putnam Valley, NY)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Buenos días Judith, desde Venezuela me enteré de la partida de tu amado esposo Whit. Con la alegria de haberlos conocido a ambos, quiero que sepas que están en mi memoria como algo muy grande que me ocurrió en mi vida cuando los visité con Rosa María en la casa de ustedes y nos tomamos fotos que aún conservo. Honro de nuevo tu aporte y el de Whit a la humanidad. No tengo como pagarte por tanto.

Ignacio González Campos

El Feliz Aprendiz de la Expiación


Good morning Judith, from Venezuela I heard about the departure of your beloved husband Whit. With the joy of having met both of you, I want you to know that they are in my memory as something very big that happened to me in my life when I visited with Rosa Maria in your house and we took photos that I still have. I honor your contribution again and that of Whit to humanity. I can not pay you for that much.


The Happy Apprentice of the Atonement

Ignacio González Campos (Brazil)


Friday, February 16, 2018

Dear Judy and family,

Rarely have I felt such a deep sense of loss as I do with the passing of your dearest Whit. My memory of our last visit in the summer of 2016 is one that I will treasure forever. Your relationship with him is a model for how all relationships should be.

I myself have been fortunate to have known some extraordinary men and women in my life . But when I would think of the man that I would most want to model myself after, it was always Whit. We are all blessed to have known him.

Richard Danielpour (Los Angeles, CA)


Friday, February 16, 2018 

Dear Judy,

There is no doubt in my heart, mind and soul, that Whit is already wearing his angel wings with all the grace and pride he moved with in his life. I am sending you all of my love, my joy and my absolute gratitude for picking this extraordinary man to share your life with and touch mine (and so many other's) so profoundly.

   Your love, your love “story” your incredible respect and admiration for each other was the gold standard and will always be.

   Thank you for allowing me to be a part of Whit’s 91st. birthday…it meant so much to me. I already miss him…

   I love you and hold you in my heart and prayers.

Ilene Krischer (Los Angles, CA)


Friday, February 16, 2018

Dear Judy and Whit,

What a guy! What a life! And so modest in spite of great achievements.

And so loving and caring. We miss him, and you miss him, Judy, but we know he is still with us really. A true friend.

Syd and Susan Lamb (Yarmouth Port, MA)


Thursday, February 15, 2018

There is nothing I can say that can either console or add, I am sure, to the sentiments that have been expressed by people close to Whit, for I was not fortunate enough to know him well, but I was fortunate to know him at all.

   Unique, special, one of a kind - all has been said about him and all true. Every time we met and spoke I was struck by his gentility, sharp mind, sense of humour, directness and peacefulness, as well as the rare desire to listen and understand, not to mention help. Unlike most, he knew exactly who he was. And of course, he was easy on the eyes. A beautiful man, a beautiful human, a beautiful soul and spirit.

   Not many people leave a distinct and singular impression on me. He did. And then some.

   I am privileged to have known him.

Much love,

Natasha Feldgun

New York City


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dear Judy,

I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the depth of your sorrow, but I also know the depth of your understanding that in the totality of God death does not exist. Both you and Whit have helped bring peace to so many. In this, your own dark hour, may all the peace you have extended to others come back to you a thousand fold. May you always feel his arms around you. May you always feel his love within you. May you feel that he is never, ever gone. Both of you are in my prayers and will remain there. May God lift you up and comfort you, that your tears shall be no more.

All my love to you,

Marianne Williamson


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dear Whit

A lightbeam from FIP

Collaboration was your hallmark

to brilliant results

Peace and love

Inge B Vardehei (Sandnes, Norway)

(Translator of the Norwegian Supplements)


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dear Judy,

Blessings to you and the entire FIP family in this time of grief and celebration. Whit was a remarkable man. I felt such positive fatherly energy in his presence. He also lit the way with his simply being in the present moment - what a shining spirit.

I was also really touched by the depth of your and Whit's connection to each other. To see that true love (and humor) is such an inspiration to us all.

Big hug to you, Judy, and Tam, and so many others mourning his transition.

Rob Rutledge (Halifax, VI)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dearest Judith and family,

My heart-felt thoughts of love and peace fly to you as you allow our holy brother to fulfill his script. While his body brought happiness while the body's eyes could see him, now the vision of the Holy Spirit will see him always.

MarciaGrace T (Sound Beach, NY)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Judy, So very sorry to learn of Whit’s passing. I never met and did not know him. That he was your great love is enough for me to feel his beauty. We, you and I and yours, have become family through the unexpected connection we made through my abiding love for Carol. I appreciate the opportunity to send you my love and condolences and to tell you that I shall always be there if you wish or need me. Something knowing and wonderful brought us into mutual orbit, from early years to today and surely into the endless future. There is no end. Peace.

Peter Glick (Honolulu, HI)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Judy, Tam, Bob and the Course Family,

I am deeply saddened by Whit's transition. He made a giant contribution to Spirit's work, revealing Love's presence and supporting all. He was highly intelligent, passionate, effective, and above all, personally transformed by the Course. His example will inspire me for the rest of my life.

Bruce Fetzer (Kalamazoo, MI)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I just heard now 3pm Feb. 14th. As I read Judith's loving, inspired words my tears are flowing. Whit and I shared so many stories that gracious week at Tiberon in 2010. I loved his twinkling sense of humour; we laughed heartily as our mutual idiocies and occasional successes with the stock market. Whit and I got to share ideas and observations back and forth about writing. Get hold of his novels, read them: they are very good and you can see the love principles of the Course unfolding in action, just as everyone did interacting with Whit, a gentle giant of a man.



Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I did not have the privilege of spending much time around Whit, but what time I did spend left a lasting impression on me. He seemed like a very steady presence, calm and secure, with a quiet dignity, without the need to put himself forward, even if he was right, or to tout his credentials (which it turns out were quite impressive!); friendly and respectful, and eminently reasonable. I know "reasonable" may sound a bit lackluster, but in my mind it is high praise indeed. He shared with me the protocols he had developed for the translations, which, again, just seemed so reasonable. It was the kind of project that needed someone with a true flexibility of mind, an ability to go where the data demanded, without a prior, fixed agenda. Looking back, I realized that he instantly earned a place of high esteem in my mind, a place that he permanently retained. I am sorry to hear that he has left this world, but I have no doubt that he left it a better place for having been here.

Robert Perry (Cranborne, England)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

To my gentle, supportive friend, Whit, -I shall miss you, always. Your kindness, consideration and many abilities were an inspiration. With your beloved Judy, you revealed an ongoing Holy Relationship. Rest in peace, as you embrace His Holy Presence.

Diane Brook Gusic (Mill Valley, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Whit, gentle soul,

Your funny Chinese accent and your tireless inquiries about everything in China formed a deep bond in my heart. Your fatherly tenderness also brought some healing to my shadowy past.

Let me know when you decide to reincarnate in China again, I will find a way to meet you there.

Chiaolin Cabanne (Rocklin, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I have only met Whit once over the phone, which was several years ago, yet his spirit transmuted through the phone. I do know very well his dear partner; Judith. If Whit was anything like Judith, then they were both blessed to have each other. May he be where he is, and may God hold him and guide him safely, for there is no death, but only Life. Brad

Brad Oliphant (New York, NY)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Thank you So Much dearly Beloved Whit for who you Are! And so much Gratitude to Judy as well: Your part in God's Plan is invaluable. Deep deep gratitude & many blessings of Light & Love at this time of change,

Jenny & Greg

Jenny Donner (Chapala, Mexico)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

As with things profound, there are usually no words in the world of three dimensions to express our heart and truth. The Course tries its best to do so, and we still struggle with the nameless and formless as who we essentially are. But love is something that we KNOW and that needs no words, just a smile, a hug, a touch. Whit provided those in spades to all of us, and I marvel at the decades long love you, Judy, both shared day in and day out. I thank Whit for his leadership in all things he did so well, and mostly I thank him for taking such good care of you.

Laura Skutch (Norwalk, CT)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I met Whit and Judy when they came to Christ Unity Church to talk about the Course. I heard every word that Whit said. Later I was writing a report on the break up of the Bell System and had the urge to call him for his perspective. He invited me to see him, we had coffee and talked for a few hours. He changed my paradigm about research by advising me to: look at what drives it-that's where the truth lies. And I did. And still do. Definitely a holy encounter. Thanks, Whit, for taking time out of a very busy day to help me. That's what it means to be a Son of God.

Al Jacobus (Sacramento, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I loved Whit's smile - always so welcoming. He loved us all and had such wonderful insights and stories. My fondest memories are sitting with him at the kitchen table in Tiburon as we began our conversation about Foundation business.

Our talk inevitably made a philosophical turn to a discussion on contentment and living life well. A beautiful man.

Patricia McAvoy (Santa Rosa, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dear Judy, Whit and Foundation,

Thank you for support and accomplishment of Czech translation of A Course in Miracles.

Today I wish you Happy Valentine for we are in Love with you,

ready to proceed with the Mission brother J is in charge of. It is a joy and privilege to be on the team. Whit you will always have a quiet place in our mind and heart.

P.K. Nesbit, just czeching.

Prema Nesbit (San Antonio, TX)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I have been reminiscing of Whit singing sweet hilarious songs to Jonah when he was little and I keep picturing Whit's boyish smile all the while. Sending so much love to you on this Valentine's Day when your sweetheart is not here and to all of the family. Love, BJ

BJ Casey (New York, NY)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I wanted to thank you, Whit, for all that you've done for The Course and for everyone you have been such a big help to. I'll never forget how kind you were to Cindy and me. The times we got to spend with you, Judy, Tam, Bob, Doris and the gang are precious memories to all of us. Enjoy your journey to gentler climates. Much love forever, Gary Renard

Gary Renard (West Hollywood, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I had the good fortune of spending quality time and conversation with Judy, Whit and Tam in their living room in Marin. In our first meeting, Whit cracked a very funny line to me: the Chinese translates to, 'not afraid of sky, not afraid of earth, only afraid of Cantonese people speaking Chinese'. Being half-Cantonese, mostly Singaporean but Californian in Spirit, I was completely impressed! I quickly learned that Whit was a man of incredible talent and an expert on China. It was so wonderful to see a man who had contributed much to his country to be so open to spirituality and new perspectives. Love and Truth are Universal. I think Whit understood this deeply. The translation program is a gift to humanity from him and the Foundation. Godspeed Whit.

Kenneth Bok (Singapore, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

When I close my eyes and think of Whit I immediately feel his gentle ways, his incredible kindness, his infinite patience...and I smile...grateful that I was graced to know him, to love him, to spend time in his beautiful presence. His devotion to Judy surpassed anything I had ever witnessed; he took his mission "love Judy" to heart. I am a better person because of the example he set. I loved talking with him and listening to his deep voice, wise counsel and quick wit. He was sincere, genuine and completely engaged and engaging. Dear Judy, no words can express how I feel about your loss, knowing Whit was your soulmate and devoted partner. Your combined efforts have helped so many of us quicken the pace of our journey to awakening. Whit you will always be alive in my heart. I am eternally grateful that our paths crossed. I love you.

Marguerite LaDue (La Conner, WA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dear Judy, Tam and Whit's family,

 My heart and love embrace Whit, and you all, at this time of transition, release and stepping into the mystery of Now. I see angels and hummingbird wings of supportive loving energies assisting you through these portals.

 Although I only met Whit a few times, I delighted in his brilliant mind and yes, his wit. He spoke to the academic I am, as well as to my heart. I loved the depth of his mind and being. I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to spend a bit of time with him.

 I am sending blessings and love your way and his.

 Connected in and as

the ONE heart we are,

Sundari Dembe (Lafayette, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beloved Whit,

  The thought of you fills my heart with gratitude. Thank you for saying Yes and answering the Call with such faith and devotion. I am honored to call you and beloved family members of the Foundation for Inner Peace my extended family of God.

  I am blessed to have met you, blessed to have known your gentle, sweet, kind Presence, and blessed to witness your clarity. To teach is to demonstrate, and that is what you and Judy are - demonstrations of the Love of Christ - true Teachers of God - and I am forever grateful!

  Thank you for fulfilling your part so fully, for pouring your heart and life into translating our beloved ACIM into so many languages, and in doing so, supporting the awakening of countless brothers and sisters. On behalf of the whole world I bow my head, hands in prayer, in honor of your Life.

  With eternal Love, and overflowing gratitude,

Kirsten Buxton (Kamas, UT)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dearest Judy and family, I am so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you. Whit was such a loving, caring person. Every time we talked on the phone, I'd hang up with a smile...he was that kind of person (inspirational, wise, gracious...). The world is a better place because of his positive impact (what a legacy to pass on). God bless you. Love, Barbara

Barbara Cyphers (Walnut Creek, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I am still processing Whit's passing, and still short for words. In my 30 + years of working with Foundation for Inner Peace Judy and Whit became such a close family, that it is very hard for me to write of them as of separate entities. But true to the form, I will try.

We are one. And no one embodied concept of Oneness better than Whit. Being symbol of Love, he is Love. Being guided by the Holy Spirit, he always acted in the best interest of others. He was my boss, but I was never bossed around. He was my Friend, and I knew that this friendship could never be betrayed. He was my mentor, and he was teaching by demonstrating.

Beloved Judy, when pain subsides, we will see only light in his transition. Because as Helen said:

"A holy altar cannot be a tomb."

Russian Language translator of ACIM,

with all my love, Kira

Kira Feldgun (Calistoga, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Blessings of LIGHT" to the memory of "Whit"Whitson. His pioneering work with the C.I.M. has truly helped make this planet a more loving and safer place to be. Since 1980 the Course in Miracles has been my daily guide to what is now a profound inner peace. Sometimes I do have to remember to "Choose Once Again" :-) :-) :-)

Bryan Jones (Santa Rosa, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"No one is sent by accident to anyone."

Dearest Judy, my heart is with you. I only wish this seeming change unfolds gently on your loving heart. Take heart, precious angel. Take heart. We are with you, holding the light from Canada, Halifax. Whit was exceptional man, a true gentleman. Never would I meet a more noble character, a kinder and more dedicated man to the Course and its message. In my mind you two remain the most "in love" couple I have ever met. He was a father figure to me, in many ways, just as you are a mother figure to me. Someone I could go to and talk about anything, beloved friend to both Little Zen and II, and one of the most compassionate, intelligent, generous and most kind people I have ever met. Whit has contributed to the Course, its many translations and its dissemination throughout the world throughout his life with you. Side by side with you, Bill and Kenneth, he helped in every possible way he could to make the message of the Course available to people all over the world. He was an ambassador to the Course. Let us not forget he was an extraordinary writer and left behind several outstanding books that delight in depth, elegance of character and humour. I owe Whit a great deal of gratitude for his constant support and love throughout the years we have met him, and wise advice when I need it most. I am a better human being, having met him. I am so grateful we got to see him one more time, earlier this year and share with each other our lives. He lives in our hearts forever. We remain chosen family, now and always. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Judy - his soul mate and best friend, Tam and all immediate family and friends and chosen family at home and around the globe. Love always leads to Love. We love you Whit. You live forever in our hearts. What an exceptional man! May you be blessed. We love you Judy. Take heart, Judy. Love and huge hugs to you, most precious and loving mom/friend. Love you forever.

Gabriela Ilie (Halifax)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

We love Whit so much and we love you, Judy. Our love now fully for you is still for both of you - always inseparable. The world is less alive for me today and I feel I cannot trust the world as much as I did, since Whit has moved beyond, because I could trust him so completely, as I could trust almost no-one else. And Yes, I know Whit is not gone and I do not feel he is gone. He will always be alive for us. We send our love to you Judy and are there for you in any way we can.

Lorin and Tara Hollander


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Whit,

What at an Inspiring lifelong demonstration you have been, you are today and you will continue to be.

“He hears the sounds the senseless, busy world engenders, yet He hears them faintly. For beyond them all He hears the song of Heaven, and the Voice for God more clear, more meaningful, more near.” ACIM W-164.

What a blessing the many more years you were here, at One with Judy, listening to the HS, being truly helpful, in such a holy shared purpose: 27 ACIM translations are a foundation, a base, from which we can continue to listen to the HS, and like you Whit, also be truly helpful, representing Him who sent us. Certain to count with you Whit, at every step, Now are we one with Him Who is our Source.

With love and hugs, Alberto

Alberto Mendoza (Bogota, Colombia)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judy,

I know that you already know that Whit is with you, and will always be with you; you are One, and you both blessed Hugh and me so very, very much. I'm sending you love, peace and light...which is what you and Whit exemplified.

Gayle Prather (Tucson, AZ)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judy,

I meet you just twice but the love both of you embodied will be always in my memory.

I do not have the courage to tell Teddy Whit is now spirit, sometime it is easier to accept our own destiny than others.

A big, grateful hug Paola

Paola Mamone (Roma, Italy)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dearest Judy,

I can barely imagine how you are feeling at this moment! I am so sorry! I would like to let you know how much Whit and you mean to me! Although we've just met once in 2012, our constant email messages always filled me with joy, gratitude and love. I feel a deep connection with both of you, as if I've already known you for a very long time, from other life-times perhaps. I'm joined with you at this moment, sure that Whit is surrounded by God's Love and that Life is eternal. Please, feel my loving embrace and all my gratitude for being part of your lives for the last few years. We can only find solace in our Brother's words:


"Our Father, bless our eyes today. We are Your messengers, and we wold look upon the glorious reflection of Your Love which shines in everything. We live and move in You alone. We are not separate from Your eternal life. There is no death, for death is not Your Will. And we abide where You have placed us, in the life we share with You and with all living things, to be like You and part of You forever. We accept Your Thoughts as ours, and our will is one with Yours eternally. Amen."

Love and gratitude, Li

Eliane Oliveira (Araras, SP, Brazil)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judy and family (and Foundation),

This is just a simple message to say that you are all so very much in my mind ….. and with much loving thoughts ….

Best best wishes …..

Henri Theron, Afrikaans translator

Henri Theron (South Africa)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beloved Whit,

I will always remember your gentleness and steadfast devotion. You and your beloved wife Judy have showered me with love, along with tens of thousands around the world, and you may never know how much your loving encouragement meant to me. We are Family, and our hearts will ever hold your love and your love of Jesus tenderly and everlastingly.


"Job well done beloved Whit" is what my heart is singing to you now! The day you passed I was with 60 ACIM students on a boat on Lake Chapala, in the Ajijic area of Mexico. It was a celebration of rejoicing, of bursting love and gratitude. I know how much you and Judy loved this area of Mexico, and I smile thinking of both of you here in Ajijic. We all celebrate your life, and your long and devoted partnership with Judy. We celebrate your many contributions to translating ACIM into 27 languages, and your HUGE contribution in Jesus' Plan of Awakening!


You once told Jesus in a prayer in China (many years ago when it seemed you were dying of cancer): "I'm your man!" Jesus resurrected you for your assignment with Judy and ACIM, which lasted for decades after that prayer was answered with a Calling.

For all of us in the ACIM community around the world, you ARE the Light of Christ forever shining, forever loving, forever gentle and kind. I see you everywhere Whit!!!!!!!!

Your forever friend,

David Hoffmeister (Kamas, UT)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Our deepest condolences to you all!

He was a warrior to the end!

Great memorial website you have done!

Best regards,
Robbin Peer Z. Johansson (Havdrup, Denmark)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear friends, Judy,

unexpected message....

Let us remember and honor this exceptional man, his calm approach and inner peace as we had the opportunity to experience him in correspondence and especially during the meeting of translators!

My thoughts are with You, Judy, and with all of You in FIP!

With love, Karel

Karel Silhanek (Czech Republic)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judith,

May we both express our sincere condolences.

Whit is still with us. Love is his home, as always.

And we are with always.

A big hug from both

Polona Kovic,

dr. Jurij Kovic

Polona and Jurij Kovic


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Foundation for Inner Peace Team,

Thank you for this letter and the memorial website.

Athough I did not know Whit personally I always know him through his emails that he is a kind soul!

It was very nice to look at the photos of him. It’s a fine way to remember.

The whole publishing house offers our sincere condolences!

Best wishes,

Viktor Melher (Budapest, Hungary)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beloved Whit,

Sending you a long loving Hug across the universe.

"Those who are to meet will meet,

because together they have the potential for a holy relationship.

They are ready for each other."

Thank you for being in the right time for our meeting.

Thank you for your Commitment and Love. Thank you for your Function for God. Life of so many would have never been the same if it was not for you.

ACIM Israel community is waiving Shalom. We shall meet again.

You are always in my heart!

Love, Efrat

Efrat Sar-Shalom (Tel-Aviv, Israel)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Foundation of Inner Peace Team,

Please accept our condolences. In the course of the last 15 years it was a great honor and pleasure to work with Whit and we developed a great partnership.

Warm regards, Zbyszek Ploszczyca

Centrum, Publisher of the Course in Polish and Romanian

Zbyszek Ploszczyca (Poland)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Thank you, dear brother, for the time you shared with us, for your kind and gracious, at times even boyish smile which we so gratefully remember to accompany your sonorous and beautifully engulfing deep voice; for the fun and jokes you shared with us as well as your words of wisdom and all your insight on both the PAS and, much more so, self-evidently, on the Course.

   We would have so much loved to see you once more with our bodily eyes, Whit, but the images of the times with you are so vivid before our inner eyes we can rest content until the time we can eventually join you again in the infinite everything beyond the realms of illusion.

   And as much as there is some sadness in us now, just as much we're so endlessly happy you finally again are as God created you.

   Farewell, mighty brother, thank you for everything, our joy and gratitude are with you. We love you!

... and, as Judy just recently let us know that you very much liked the hugs forwarded via e-mail, I hope you enjoy this one as well. :-)

With some tears, but at last much more with a happy smile now,

Andrea & Florian (Rosenheim/Bavaria/Germany)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018 

When I think of Whit I am reminded of the words of W. Somerset Maugham

He is not famous. It may be that he never will be. It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water. But it may be that the way of life that he has chosen for himself and the peculiar strength and sweetness of his character may have an ever-growing influence over his fellow men so that, long after his death perhaps, it may be realized that there lived in this age a very remarkable creature.

Kathleen Korth (Greenbrae, CA)

August 10, 2018

On February 8, 2018, William “Whit” Whitson entered eternal life. His impact on the life of A Course in Miracles was felt in his work on the twenty-seven translations of the Course, his steady counsel on the Foundation for Inner Peace’s (FIP) board of directors, his insightful presence in the lives of many Course students, and his loving support and partnership with his wife, Judy (president of FIP, original publisher of the Course).


A graduate of the United States Military Academy, Colonel Whitson pursued a 22-year military career. After his retirement, he engaged in research on China. He worked for the RAND Corporation and Stanford Research Institute. In 1975, he joined the Library of Congress as Chief of Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division of the Congressional Research Service. In 1980, he resigned from the Library of Congress to organize and chair the Emergency Earthquake Taskforce for California under Governor Jerry Brown.


Whit was able to bring some of the Course’s ideas (and Judy) to his friends and colleagues in politics and the military. He was never shy about sharing the wisdom of the Course in any situation, and because of his knowledge, clarity, and wit, it was readily accepted.


We at the Center will miss our friend, but we know, as we read in The Song of Prayer, his “need is done to walk the world of limits.” He now can behold Christ “without blinders, in the light he has earned to look upon again. …For Christ is clearer now; His vision more sustained in [Whit]; Christ’s Voice, the Word of God, more certainly [Whit’s] own.”

With gratitude and appreciation we honor the life of Whit and embrace his loving wife, Judy, their family, and the staff of the Foundation for Inner Peace as they move through this healing time.

Miracle Distribution Center, Anaheim, CA


Monday, June 18, 2018

A kind, intelligent, wise and interesting man.

I was honored to meet him on the path of life.

Sundari Dembe


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Whit taught me that fathers can be present, healthy, always learning, interested and caring. For me he was a fabulous and blessed mentor that my children truly benefitted from. His dedication to breaking the cycle of purposeless suffering is exemplified by your collaboration to serving the dissemination of the Course. Thanks be in haleluhia!

Dr. William Wulsin


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dear Judy, he's in the wind. I will sorely miss him.

Take care of yourself.

With all our love.

John Torpey (Oakland)


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Dearest Judy,

As you know, I am so very sorry about Whit's "trip to the next Village." He was a wonderful man, a true gentleman who will be missed by all of us who were lucky enough to know him. As I said yesterday, Whit was perhaps the most grateful patient that I have ever known--- grateful for the "big' and "little' things in life, for our care and especially for you. He told us that on many occasions.

While we mourn it is good to remember that he was not scared or even worried about dying and, as deaths go, this was one of the more "beautiful" ones I've seen. I learn something from every patient. I learned more from Whit than most. I miss him.

Love, Al

Al Oppenheim, MD (CA)


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

My deepest condolences to the family and friends. May you all find comfort In Gods holy words ( 1 Corinthians 1: 3,4)" Praise be the God of all comfort". May you all continue to cherish the precious memories of your dearly beloved William close to your hearts.

M L (Hempstead, NY)


Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Tribute to my brother Bill

So many years ago Whit answered a request from “cousin” Reeve Whitson (who was not his cousin) to fly to Burbank to meet another Whitson “cousin” (also not a cousin) who was visiting from New York. Without hesitation, Whit hopped on a plane in San Francisco and literally flew into my life. I look back on that day as being one of the most important days of my life. Though we shared a last name, we were not related, but Whit welcomed me into his life, and became the brother I never had. For me Whit will always be “Bill,” as that was how Reeve introduced him to me.

   Over the years I have learned about Bill’s extraordinary achievements, beginning with his successful military career that began as a cadet at West Point. After serving his country for many years in many high-ranking roles he found himself searching for a different direction in life. While searching for “a better way,” he met Judy Skutch, the One who was destined to become his soul mate. Together they forged a loving, powerful union, dedicating their energies to the publication and dissemination of A Course in Miracles throughout the world. One of Bill’s many achievements as Vice President of the Foundation for Inner Peace was shepherding the translation of the Course into 27 languages, with many more still in progress.

   Bill, together with his beloved Judy, epitomizes the Course’s principles of love and forgiveness, always asking for and following their Inner Guidance for direction in all decisions. Together they always managed to include a great deal of joy and laughter in whatever surprises life held for them, often laughing through many tearful moments. I experienced the love and empathy that Bill had for all who were fortunate to know him, and feel blessed to have been part of his incredible journey through life. Above all, I rejoice in the love I felt, and will always feel, for him as the brother I never had. He is with me still, and I know he is smiling down right now as I write these words.

   I miss you my beloved brother, and will always remember the laughter, joy and tears we shared.

Ivor Whitson (Putnam Valley, NY)


Friday, March 02, 2018

If there were such a thing as a Knight in Shining Armour, that would be YOU Whit.

You are the One.

The One Man I always dreamed of meeting who would make that fairy tale seem so real.

You mean so much to me and I love you dearly. I am so grateful for every conversation, every time I held your hand, hugged you, (those hugs were priceless) and for all our fun times. I miss you and I love you.


Just a few words to describe you.

LOVING, Gracious, Generous, Smart, Fun, Honorable, Strong, Creative, Brilliant, Caring, Trustworthy, Protective, Fatherly, Funny

A great father, husband, friend, and leader.

Wherever you are, I am smiling with you.



Laura Fenamore (Greenbrae, CA)


Friday, March 02, 2018

Please express to Judy my deepest feelings of love and support. I can just imagine how she feels, yet please tell her that I am - and all the ACIM community is, I am sure - very close to her and we all hug her with love and incommensurable gratitude.

I have read the very interesting biography of Whit. I had no idea of who he was, and where he was coming from. His life's story impressed me very much and reminded me of the line from the Manual that says that the teachers of God "... come from all over the world. They come from all religions and from no religion. They are the ones who have answered." Really what truly matters is only to answer the Call, as he did. I regret not having known him personally, but often his devotion and dedication to the Course inspired me and always elicited in me thoughts of gratitude and nobleness. We know that there is no death. I think he is still with us, walking home as we all try to do.

Patrizia Terreno (Italy)


Friday, March 02, 2018

Dear Judy, I just came to know of Whit's passing back to The Realm of Freedom, for which we are all destined. He lived true to his purpose here, "joining in the joyful task of bringing Light". Reminding us all that is why we are here, to serve the Truth, the Light, the Love. Our sincere and unspeakable gratitude to you both for you parts in this Plan that cannot be measured. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Marianne Woo (San Francisco, CA)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

The only response I have is tears. You and Whit have modeled the sweet gratefulness for each precious day together . . . savoring the pure presence of one another. That love has touched me deeply.

May that love remain palpable through Spirit and the loving presence of local & adopted family near and far . . . as everyone you’ve ever met experiences you as family. You expand loving community like no one I’ve ever known.

With a heart so full of love and compassion,

Darby Fetzer (Schoolcraft, MI)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

Dear Whit has left his body, knowing that he is still as God created him.

Thank you for sending this warm and respectful message about his long and active life.

So please receive my condolences. Specially I offer them to you Judy, who need to live on without your soulmate, but still united with him in Spirit. And to you Tamara, who will miss your dear step-father.

The last time we have seen each other was at the Translators Gathering (2012). Then I said to myself that I want to become like him, radiant with a gentle love, patient, and always kind. He really inspired me, just the way he was.

With love,

Willem Glaudemans (The Netherlands)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

Querida y apreciada señora Judith, reciba ante todo un cordial saludo y mis mejores deseos que se encuentre bien.

Aprovechó la oportunidad para enviarle mi más cordial sentimiento de solidaridad por la pérdida física de su amado esposo, aún cuando el cielo está de fiesta y reunidos con el Curso en el paraíso azul.

Yo continuo extendiendo el mensaje del Curso, aunque extraño mucho a mi amada maestra Rosa María.

De verdad, Un Curso de Milagros es el mensaje de amor mas bello que ha llegado sobre la faz de la tierra y mi agradecimiento eterno a usted por permitir que la Verdad la usase para contribuir a la extensión del mismo.

Reciba todo mi amor y gratitud y una lluvia de bendiciones para su vida.

Lisbeth de Adrianza


Thursday, March 01, 2018

The Memorial Legacy and Tribute website to Whit is so well done in -

it is commendable in celebrating and honoring his extraordinary life. It not only recognizes William Whitson as a remarkable man of the world, but also attests to how he faithfully attended to overseeing A Course in Miracles translation into so many languages – and then some. In this, how can we not be grateful to him and the spiritual translation legacy he left as his vital contribution to the Course.

   Also, overseeing A Course in Miracles' translation into so many languages is truly the monumental contribution he attended to in establishing the Course's outreach worldwide. It attests to the remarkable person he was, and in this we honor him and his spiritual celebration-of-life legacy.

   Accordingly – in his distinguished life, career, achievements, awards and contributions – truly his legacy work was in seeing that A Course in Miracles was correctly translated beyond English into a multitude of other languages that were essential in the Course's dissemination worldwide. And so through Whit's spiritual legacy, others now have access to reading and understanding A Course in Miracles in their own native tongue. And as It turned out, this monumental translation task required exactness and understanding and so it was no coincidence that it landed on his shoulders, because: "Who but William Whitson could do it?" – which he did.

For me, It was always a joy and pleasure to be with Whit at times over the years we knew each other. He was an inspiration and I was always grateful and glad to have him as a friend. His presence in this life will be sorely missed by all of us who knew him.

So thank you dear Judy for Whit's Tribute and Memorial. God bless you in this and in your own Course work as well.

With so much Love, Peace and Consolation, Jim

James Bolen (Larkspur Landing, CA)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

My Beloved Whit,

 Being so close together for a quarter of a century gave us time to complete a deep relationship based on an ancient connection. You helped me feel safe and took the role of caring for me as a spiritual father and teacher. To me you were kind, respectful and had an angel essence. We enjoyed the humor of teasing each other in many languages some of them we made up, but above all we always spoke the language of love. And now I can truly say, I love you with the Love of God.

Ana Trujillo (Petaluma, CA)


Thursday, March 01, 2018

Dearest Whit---There are so many memories of the times Ulf and I spent with both you and Judy. We shared homes, ideas and there was always great comfort in sharing anything in each other's presence. Whit and Ulf were the consummate gentlemen. i feel both of your loving presence, along with Bill, as you share your new adventure.I've been re-reading parts of Whit's novels he wrote in the Born-for-Flight series and was reminded he had asked Ulf and I to read one of the the manuscripts and give him feedback. His books weave fiction and history in a compelling way. Keep on sharing your free and creative spirit, even though you no longer need words.

Lovingly---Beverly Hamilton

Beverly Hamilton (Santa Rosa, CA)


Monday, February 26, 2018

Dear Whit: We have just learned about your home going. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet you through your dearest Judy while you journeyed on this plane. We will always remember your writing and your love of flying. Thank you for sharing your synergy and energy with us. You are a blessing to all of us.

Aeeshah & Kokomon Clottey (Oakland, CA)


Monday, February 26, 2018

Whit was my friend, mentor and hero. His wonderfully kind, intelligent manor and great sense of humor challenged my thinking and elevated my spirit. He is loved. He is missed. I celebrate his life.

Jim Lavelle (Marin County, CA)


Monday, February 26, 2018

I knew Whit through Judy. I would come to the house to visit and he always had a big smile and an even bigger hug for me. I looked forward to that. Funny that what stands out the most for me besides his kind and gentle way was even when he wasn't feeling well and in his pj's, he would always come out and greet me wearing a vest. I loved the dichotomy of that vision.

I always had a sense of his and Judy's greatness, but with both of them being such humble people, until reading about him here, I never knew to what degree. It's too bad I never took the opportunity to get to know him better however, I feel very lucky to have known him at all. Ta Ta for now dear, sweet Whit. I'll do my best to keep a smile on your Judy's shana punium. Love and Hugs, Debs

Deb Campo (San Anselmo, CA)


Sunday, February 25, 2018

My friendship with Judy Skutch was well established before William Whitson came into her life and, after their marriage, into mine. I liked him from the moment we met. There was so much about Whit to like: his warmth, his fine mind, the soft way he spoke, his gracious manners and sense of humor. Almost immediately, we formed a friendship which has enriched my life for the past 25 years.

    Although it is impossible to measure or rank the gifts of friendship, one of my greatest pleasures during those years were the conversations we had. Engaging Whit on almost any topic was always an educational experience—and it was great fun! I delighted in his quick wit and irreverent sense of humor though he never used them to attack or diminish anyone. He was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. Perhaps the most verbally gifted person I’ve ever known, his capacity for listening deeply and respectfully was rare and inspiring. Even when we didn’t agree, I always felt “heard” by Whit, never judged.

    By the time we became friends, Whit had achieved an astonishing range of professional successes--something I was reminded of as I read his memorial page. What impressed me most about him, however, was not his dazzling resume, which he rarely mentioned. Rather, it was his genuine humility and kind heart. The William Whitson I knew and loved was a man who measured his self-worth not by his public achievements but by the inner, spiritual values he shared with Judy, expressed through their joint sense of purpose: making the teachings of A Course in Miracles available to the world. I shall miss him.

Godspeed, dear friend.

Patricia Hopkins (Boulder, CO)


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Whit had a huge impact on me as I know he did with everyone he touched. He will forever be one of a kind and I get a sensation of overwhelming happiness when I think of his face and the way he squinted his eyes and smiled when we spoke. He was an amazing listener. He is an epic role model for me in a special way. I am grateful for the times we shared and this amazing family.

Jiggs Love (Los Angeles, CA)


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Whit, You are my hero. I love you and feel you everywhere. You have made the most impactful imprint on my soul.

Thank you

Nikola Love (Los Angeles, CA)


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Eternal Gratitude Dr Whitson for the Love that was given through you. The poem CONVERSATION is very relevant to where ACIM is leading the dreamer!

Stella Pilon (St-Jérôme, Quebec, Canada)


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Your sparking eyes and smiling face fill my heart whenever I think of you, beloved Whit. You always greeted everyone with your strong, wonderful hug and cheery welcome. I absolutely adored visiting with you as I knew you would have something humorous to say, and I was always amazed at depth of your expansive knowledge and wisdom. Your personal stories were so unendingly delightful. You filled any space with Joy, Laughter, Kindness, Light, Wisdom and Love.

    I want to thank you for being my daughters’ grandpa, a constant shining example of what a gentle gentleman is, along with your inner strength. Witnessing the relationship you and Judy shared was and is the beacon they both aspire to.

    Overflowing joy and gratitude for sharing this ancient sacred assignment for over 32 years. You lived the Course and you exemplified, “Teach only LOVE, for that is what you ARE”.

    I’m sure the Light is a little brighter with you in it, and the cosmos is filled with rounds of jolly laughter! SOAR, Whit, SOAR!

    Limitless Love,

Lo, Tatyana, Nikola, Jiggs and Radley

Lois Rees Lewis (Tiburon, CA)


Friday, February 23, 2018

Dear Judith,

I don´t feel Whit is gone. This has never happened to me before with any of the family members and friends who have passed away.

It has been a few days now since his passing and yet to some part of me he is still alive as if I could run on to him next time I come to Tiburon.

   Thank you very much for having been part of my life for so many years. I will be forever grateful to you, to Whit and to the rest of the FIP family for the opportunity to learn the principles of A Course in Miracles. I continue to do the lessons every day and I pray that just before my last breath I will remember the lesson for the day or some other sentence from the Course as Whit did.

   Thank you also for this beautiful memorial website. I send you a big hug and all my love!

Fernando Gómez (Weed, CA)

ACIM Spanish translation team member


Friday, February 23, 2018

De tout cœur merci, cher frère, pour ce fabuleux Service à l’humanité. Je rends grâces à Jésus et à tous ses porte-parole qui m’ont aidé à reprendre conscience de la réalité de l’esprit que je suis. Et à accepter d’entendre la Voix de l’Amour qui m’inspire et me guide à me détacher de ce monde pour m’éveiller en Dieu, en toute quiétude.

Rosy Porrovecchio (Tadoussac, Québec, Canada)


Friday, February 23, 2018

I've never met a kinder, wiser soul. I had the honor of spending a miraculous afternoon with Whit and Judy. What a lovely, lovely man, and what a beautiful couple. Whit gave me his "Test of Battle" which I so enjoyed reading. A while back I discovered his fascinating "Myths and Misinformation" about Bill Thetford and the CIA.

   Dear Judy, family, and loved ones I send you my deepest condolences and warmest embrace, and I trust that his eternal presence is comforting you from beyond the skies.

   Dear Whit, I am deeply grateful to have met you, your legacy and contributions will continue to touch our lives.

With abiding respect,

Jim Hagopian (Calabasas, CA)


Friday, February 23, 2018

Dear Judy, I know how you must feel, having lost my mate, Pamela, after a long partnership. She was always available for a second opinion I could count on.  Our lives changed after we heard you and Whit introducing ACIM at Lane Cove Town hall, Sydney in 1980 resulting in our meeting several times over the years. You will be comforted from people all over the world who love you both.


Bill McDonald (And from everybody in Australia)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Alas, we will miss you Whit. You are among a vanishing breed... a True Gentleman... Your word was your bond. You protected the weak and vulnerable. You valued hard work and excellence. You led from the front. You were a true husband and a good father and an example for all of us... HAND SALUTE TO YOU COLONEL and Bon Voyage.

Jack & Eulalia Luckett (HONOLULU, HI)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dear Judy, We are so sad to hear that Whit has passed away and we want to express our deepest sympathy. Whit was such an extraordinary and warm-hearted man. We are deeply grateful that we had the chance to get to know him and we can only try to imagine what a big loss this is to you. You and Whit will always be in our hearts. We send you all our love

Anna & Wolfgang

Anna Gudrun Appelbaum (Germany)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Thank you for notifying me of William's passing. We managed to become good friends through numerous e-mails, and to trust each other. My only regret is that we were unable to meet in person when Albert Harloff and I were invited to Temecula in 2008 to spend a whole week with Ken Wapnick to discuss the upcoming Norwegian version. William indeed was given a long and meaningful life. Please convey my condolences to Judy and others if it seems appropriate.

With much love,

Roald Pettersen in Norway

(Norwegian Translation Team)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dearest Judy,

We are with you at this time when your beloved Whit has left the body and has returned home.

Whit knew perfectly, just like you, that we are not a body but Spirit, although we can not deny the pain we feel when a loved one is leaving.

It is only an illusory time lapse in him you will believe that Whit is not there but in reality he is more than ever with you!

What unites you is the Love of God, and that Love is permanent and eternal.

We have shared beautiful moments recent years and being with you was like being with only one being, full of light, peace and joy.

We love you and count on us for everything you want.

We send you a very deep hug.

Isabel & Jordi

Jordi del Ray (Barcelona, Spain)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Please accept my deepest and most sincere sympathy to you, and your and Whit’s family. Regardless of his age, what a loss his death brings for those of us who loved him, and to the world. In all of his many work and calling incarnations he was a sincere, service minded teacher and giver who generously offered his effort, scholarly learning, insights and loving intentions so that the world was a better place.

  I can only imagine how bereft you feel. Thank goodness for the loving support of family and friends at times like this. Even though at our age we have developed a spiritual and psychological acceptance of the bigger picture and of what is inevitable, grief, in my opinion, can be challenging to deal with.

  I count myself as one of the privileged who, over many years, got to know Whit behind his public persona. For me he will always be the gentle, engaging, tender and kind hearted, emotionally intelligent, wise elder with a warm, amused sparkle in his eyes and a chuckle always at the ready

  I really enjoyed seeing the photo board on the memorial site, and in particular I love the photograph of Whit in the hat. It is so Indiana Jones - who was another adventurous change maker distinguished by a fedora and his sense of humor, deep knowledge of languages - and ancient civilizations.

With love,

Penelope Walsh (Australia)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Gratetfulness for the love that was made possible through all the languages in which the Course has been translated. My brother, I love you!

Myra Fidelman (Almelo) - The Netherlands


Monday, February 19, 2018

It was a true honor and a joy to have been able to meet Dr. Bill Whitson before he ceased to walk this world last Thursday, February 8. To have known him personally - along with the entire family of the Foundation for Inner Peace - means to me to have met sweetness, kindness and devotion. I thank God for his Harmonious Presence. I love you and I honor you Bill Whitson! You're in my heart with gratitude.

Carolina Corada (Ibiza, Spain)


Monday, February 19, 2018

Very pleased to meet you Mr. Whitson. I am a new practitioner of the course and it is inspiring to read about great men like you.

It is comforting to know that you are still with us, just in a different form.

Camila Osorio (Miami Beach, FL)


Monday, February 19, 2018

What a gift it was to be in his presence in this world. And what a gift it will be to feel his presence in our hearts. Rest in peace.

Helena Juez (Logroño La Rioja Spain)


Sunday, February 18, 2018


Votre passage à la Fondation a dû être très bénéfique pour tout le monde. Votre apport quant aux traductions, a été bénéfique a beaucoup de personnes. Connaître et pratiquer le CEM, est salvateur pour tous.

Reposez en paix, vous êtes la pour nous accueillir maintenant.


Michele LaPalme (St-Charles sur Richelieu, QC, Canada)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Even though I did not know you well, the few times I spent with you showed the caring, compassionate person you were, and are. You have blessed my life and I am thankful for the joining we had at a difficult time when our beloved sister, Rosa, passed away exactly a year from your passing. May you rest in His Eternal Peace.

Lorraine Geary (Richmond, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

A true gentleman. A truly gentle man. A perfect fit for his beloved wife, Judy, and his beautiful family, with whom our thoughts are. May his kind example continue to inspire all of us to rest in peace, where Whit rests now, where Whit has always been. What a gift it was to be in his presence in this world. And what a gift it will be to feel his presence in our hearts.

Eliana and James Burkel (Fallbrook, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Course, translated, was Whit's big mission;

To bring to life twenty-six editions.

He did all that, and that is why

Our dear friend Whit will never die.

Bob & Lee Skutch (Mill Valley, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

I had the humble privilege of Whit & Judith’s presence with Ken Wapnick at one of the Miracle Center’s ACIM Conferences in Anaheim, Ca. As I felt the Great Rays of Whit’s and his Mighty Companions hearts warm my spirit, I shall always remember the joy of being witness to Whit’s love and commitment for the Course, to the all of humankind so sorely thirsting for its message of hope, peace and salvation, and to all of us there, a sacred Holy Encounter in our journey to the Home we never left, borne on the River of Vast Illusion as it winds to the Sea of Oneness joined as One, wherein we all eternally dwell.

John S. (Jack) Brooks (Lake Arrowhead, CA)


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dear Judith and family, may these lines from "The Gifts of God" accompany you now and in the coming days:

"Do not forget His Thanks and understand the gratitude of God goes far beyond all things the world can offer, for His Gifts will last forever in His Heart and ours. (...)

Forget all things except my changeless Love. Forget all things except that I am here" (P128)

Ben & Miryam Andriessen (Co. Durham, U.K.)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Whit was one of my heroes whom I held in great esteem. I loved his last words, which so touched my heart, “I am not a body, I am free.” What an incredibly simple transition.

Phoebe Lauren (France)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Words completely fail, but I just wanted to say that to me Whit was the epitome of a good man…I always felt his loving presence and I know that his graciousness and humor have affected me on the deepest levels. I think he was probably the finest man I have ever known, and I mean that with all my heart. I already miss him tremendously but know his absence hasn’t fully sunk in for me.

Edwin (Win) Bottum Morgan (Mill Valley, CA)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Whit's leaving his body must feel like an amputation. Wish you with all my heart that his spirit may surround and comfort you, as does Jesus' presence. And when you look up into the sky at night, that star there, twinkling, might say to you: thank God we're joined always and always,


Franchita Cattani (Switzerland)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

I have great memories a meeting him and felt the love both of you had for each other. Whit soars in his freedom reminding us of Love. May God keep blessing you Always,

Ray Padilla (Mexico)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Today I learned about the departure of a very important and beloved person. For me, Whit was a model of true courageous love and an example of divine presence in man. Here, on Earth, we will miss him, but his Blessing and Love will always be with us.

Please accept my deepest and most sincere condolences.

With prayer and love,

Oleg (Russia)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Whit was a truly extraordinary human being. I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who combined brilliance, elegance, dedication, kindness, and so much more like Whit. I will never, ever forget his generosity of spirit and beautiful, supportive open heart.

Carol Howe (FL)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Judy, Remembering this quote from the Course “All your past except its beauty is gone, and nothing is left but a blessing.” And certainly Whit was (and still is) such a blessing to everyone who was lucky enough to know him. You and he have been so blessed to share a beautiful love and while he’s now left the physical form onto the next step in this journey of eternal life we all share, I know your deep love for each other will continue and that you’ll still be together. Your love has been an inspiration for Richard and me through the years, and we so treasure our friendship with you both.

You’re in our prayers (as is Whit) and all our love, Ann

Ann Hutchinson (AZ)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

To Whit:  I didn’t realize on the day we met more than thirty years ago that you were going to change my life forever. Memories cross my mind like a kaleidoscope – a vision of the love I feel for you, the gratitude of having you in my life, the joy of working with you on your books, the tears we shed when things went wrong, the laughter we all shared sitting around many tables, the wonder of listening to you talking, the fun of exploring many houses that were never bought, listening to you explain the Elliot Wave theory, the work we did together on Course business… so much more. These just scratch the surface of memories we shared.So many quotes can express my feeling for you, but the one that has kept me going this week:

   “I am strong when I am on your shoulders; ?You raise me up to more than I could be.”

You carried so many on your shoulders. Just knowing you raised all who knew and loved you to more that we could be. I miss your presence but know we’ll meet again.

Ronnie Whitson (Putnam Valley, NY)


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Buenos días Judith, desde Venezuela me enteré de la partida de tu amado esposo Whit. Con la alegria de haberlos conocido a ambos, quiero que sepas que están en mi memoria como algo muy grande que me ocurrió en mi vida cuando los visité con Rosa María en la casa de ustedes y nos tomamos fotos que aún conservo. Honro de nuevo tu aporte y el de Whit a la humanidad. No tengo como pagarte por tanto.

Ignacio González Campos

El Feliz Aprendiz de la Expiación


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Good morning Judith, from Venezuela I heard about the departure of your beloved husband Whit. With the joy of having met both of you, I want you to know that they are in my memory as something very big that happened to me in my life when I visited with Rosa Maria in your house and we took photos that I still have. I honor your contribution again and that of Whit to humanity. I can not pay you for that much.

The Happy Apprentice of the Atonement

Ignacio González Campos (Brazil)


Friday, February 16, 2018

Dear Judy and family,

Rarely have I felt such a deep sense of loss as I do with the passing of your dearest Whit. My memory of our last visit in the summer of 2016 is one that I will treasure forever. Your relationship with him is a model for how all relationships should be.

I myself have been fortunate to have known some extraordinary men and women in my life . But when I would think of the man that I would most want to model myself after, it was always Whit. We are all blessed to have known him.

Richard Danielpour (Los Angeles, CA)


Friday, February 16, 2018

Dear Judy,

There is no doubt in my heart, mind and soul, that Whit is already wearing his angel wings with all the grace and pride he moved with in his life. I am sending you all of my love, my joy and my absolute gratitude for picking this extraordinary man to share your life with and touch mine (and so many other's) so profoundly.

   Your love, your love “story” your incredible respect and admiration for each other was the gold standard and will always be.

   Thank you for allowing me to be a part of Whit’s 91st. birthday…it meant so much to me. I already miss him…

   I love you and hold you in my heart and prayers.

Ilene Krischer (Los Angles, CA)


Friday, February 16, 2018

Dear Judy and Whit,

What a guy! What a life! And so modest in spite of great achievements.

And so loving and caring. We miss him, and you miss him, Judy, but we know he is still with us really. A true friend.

Syd and Susan Lamb (Yarmouth Port, MA)


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dear Judy,

I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the depth of your sorrow, but I also know the depth of your understanding that in the totality of God death does not exist. Both you and Whit have helped bring peace to so many. In this, your own dark hour, may all the peace you have extended to others come back to you a thousand fold. May you always feel his arms around you. May you always feel his love within you. May you feel that he is never, ever gone. Both of you are in my prayers and will remain there. May God lift you up and comfort you, that your tears shall be no more.

All my love to you,

Marianne Williamson


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dear Whit

A lightbeam from FIP

Collaboration was your hallmark

to brilliant results

Peace and love

Inge B Vardehei (Sandnes, Norway)

(Translator of the Norwegian Supplements)


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dear Judy,

Blessings to you and the entire FIP family in this time of grief and celebration. Whit was a remarkable man. I felt such positive fatherly energy in his presence. He also lit the way with his simply being in the present moment - what a shining spirit.

I was also really touched by the depth of your and Whit's connection to each other. To see that true love (and humor) is such an inspiration to us all.

Big hug to you, Judy, and Tam, and so many others mourning his transition.

Rob Rutledge (Halifax, VI)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dearest Whit: When we think of all the blessings Victor and I have had in our lives, getting to know and work with you and Judy ranks right up there at the top. Your quiet wisdom and loving manner greeted us with warmth every time we were graced to be in your presence. Thank you for being such a shining star in our universe. Though no longer with us in physical form, your spirit continues to live on in our hearts.

Your loving and grateful friends,

Carol & Victor Grey (Concord, CA)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dearest Judith and family,

My heart-felt thoughts of love and peace fly to you as you allow our holy brother to fulfill his script. While his body brought happiness while the body's eyes could see him, now the vision of the Holy Spirit will see him always.

MarciaGrace T (Sound Beach, NY)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Judy, So very sorry to learn of Whit’s passing. I never met and did not know him. That he was your great love is enough for me to feel his beauty. We, you and I and yours, have become family through the unexpected connection we made through my abiding love for Carol. I appreciate the opportunity to send you my love and condolences and to tell you that I shall always be there if you wish or need me. Something knowing and wonderful brought us into mutual orbit, from early years to today and surely into the endless future. There is no end. Peace.

Peter Glick (Honolulu, HI)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Judy, Tam, Bob and the Course Family,

I am deeply saddened by Whit's transition. He made a giant contribution to Spirit's work, revealing Love's presence and supporting all. He was highly intelligent, passionate, effective, and above all, personally transformed by the Course. His example will inspire me for the rest of my life.

Bruce Fetzer (Kalamazoo, MI)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I just heard now 3pm Feb. 14th. As I read Judith's loving, inspired words my tears are flowing. Whit and I shared so many stories that gracious week at Tiberon in 2010. I loved his twinkling sense of humour; we laughed heartily as our mutual idiocies and occasional successes with the stock market. Whit and I got to share ideas and observations back and forth about writing. Get hold of his novels, read them: they are very good and you can see the love principles of the Course unfolding in action, just as everyone did interacting with Whit, a gentle giant of a man.



Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I did not have the privilege of spending much time around Whit, but what time I did spend left a lasting impression on me. He seemed like a very steady presence, calm and secure, with a quiet dignity, without the need to put himself forward, even if he was right, or to tout his credentials (which it turns out were quite impressive!); friendly and respectful, and eminently reasonable. I know "reasonable" may sound a bit lackluster, but in my mind it is high praise indeed. He shared with me the protocols he had developed for the translations, which, again, just seemed so reasonable. It was the kind of project that needed someone with a true flexibility of mind, an ability to go where the data demanded, without a prior, fixed agenda. Looking back, I realized that he instantly earned a place of high esteem in my mind, a place that he permanently retained. I am sorry to hear that he has left this world, but I have no doubt that he left it a better place for having been here.

Robert Perry (Cranborne, England)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

To my gentle, supportive friend, Whit, -I shall miss you, always. Your kindness, consideration and many abilities were an inspiration. With your beloved Judy, you revealed an ongoing Holy Relationship. Rest in peace, as you embrace His Holy Presence.

Diane Brook Gusic (Mill Valley, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Whit, gentle soul,

Your funny Chinese accent and your tireless inquiries about everything in China formed a deep bond in my heart. Your fatherly tenderness also brought some healing to my shadowy past.

Let me know when you decide to reincarnate in China again, I will find a way to meet you there.

Chiaolin Cabanne (Rocklin, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I have only met Whit once over the phone, which was several years ago, yet his spirit transmuted through the phone. I do know very well his dear partner; Judith. If Whit was anything like Judith, then they were both blessed to have each other. May he be where he is, and may God hold him and guide him safely, for there is no death, but only Life. Brad

Brad Oliphant (New York, NY)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Thank you So Much dearly Beloved Whit for who you Are! And so much Gratitude to Judy as well: Your part in God's Plan is invaluable. Deep deep gratitude & many blessings of Light & Love at this time of change,

Jenny & Greg

Jenny Donner (Chapala, Mexico)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

As with things profound, there are usually no words in the world of three dimensions to express our heart and truth. The Course tries its best to do so, and we still struggle with the nameless and formless as who we essentially are. But love is something that we KNOW and that needs no words, just a smile, a hug, a touch. Whit provided those in spades to all of us, and I marvel at the decades long love you, Judy, both shared day in and day out. I thank Whit for his leadership in all things he did so well, and mostly I thank him for taking such good care of you.

Laura Skutch (Norwalk, CT)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I met Whit and Judy when they came to Christ Unity Church to talk about the Course. I heard every word that Whit said. Later I was writing a report on the break up of the Bell System and had the urge to call him for his perspective. He invited me to see him, we had coffee and talked for a few hours. He changed my paradigm about research by advising me to: look at what drives it-that's where the truth lies. And I did. And still do. Definitely a holy encounter. Thanks, Whit, for taking time out of a very busy day to help me. That's what it means to be a Son of God.

Al Jacobus (Sacramento, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I loved Whit's smile - always so welcoming. He loved us all and had such wonderful insights and stories. My fondest memories are sitting with him at the kitchen table in Tiburon as we began our conversation about Foundation business.

Our talk inevitably made a philosophical turn to a discussion on contentment and living life well. A beautiful man.

Patricia McAvoy (Santa Rosa, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dear Judy, Whit and Foundation,

Thank you for support and accomplishment of Czech translation of A Course in Miracles.

Today I wish you Happy Valentine for we are in Love with you,

ready to proceed with the Mission brother J is in charge of. It is a joy and privilege to be on the team. Whit you will always have a quiet place in our mind and heart.

P.K. Nesbit, just czeching.

Prema Nesbit (San Antonio, TX)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I have been reminiscing of Whit singing sweet hilarious songs to Jonah when he was little and I keep picturing Whit's boyish smile all the while. Sending so much love to you on this Valentine's Day when your sweetheart is not here and to all of the family. Love, 

BJ Casey (New York, NY)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I wanted to thank you, Whit, for all that you've done for The Course and for everyone you have been such a big help to. I'll never forget how kind you were to Cindy and me. The times we got to spend with you, Judy, Tam, Bob, Doris and the gang are precious memories to all of us. Enjoy your journey to gentler climates. Much love forever, Gary Renard

Gary Renard (West Hollywood, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I had the good fortune of spending quality time and conversation with Judy, Whit and Tam in their living room in Marin. In our first meeting, Whit cracked a very funny line to me: the Chinese translates to, 'not afraid of sky, not afraid of earth, only afraid of Cantonese people speaking Chinese'. Being half-Cantonese, mostly Singaporean but Californian in Spirit, I was completely impressed! I quickly learned that Whit was a man of incredible talent and an expert on China. It was so wonderful to see a man who had contributed much to his country to be so open to spirituality and new perspectives. Love and Truth are Universal. I think Whit understood this deeply. The translation program is a gift to humanity from him and the Foundation. Godspeed Whit.

Kenneth Bok (Singapore, CA)


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

When I close my eyes and think of Whit I immediately feel his gentle ways, his incredible kindness, his infinite patience...and I smile...grateful that I was graced to know him, to love him, to spend time in his beautiful presence. His devotion to Judy surpassed anything I had ever witnessed; he took his mission "love Judy" to heart. I am a better person because of the example he set. I loved talking with him and listening to his deep voice, wise counsel and quick wit. He was sincere, genuine and completely engaged and engaging. Dear Judy, no words can express how I feel about your loss, knowing Whit was your soulmate and devoted partner. Your combined efforts have helped so many of us quicken the pace of our journey to awakening. Whit you will always be alive in my heart. I am eternally grateful that our paths crossed. I love you.

Marguerite LaDue (La Conner, WA)

​Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dear Judy, Tam and Whit's family,

 My heart and love embrace Whit, and you all, at this time of transition, release and stepping into the mystery of Now. I see angels and hummingbird wings of supportive loving energies assisting you through these portals.

 Although I only met Whit a few times, I delighted in his brilliant mind and yes, his wit. He spoke to the academic I am, as well as to my heart. I loved the depth of his mind and being. I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to spend a bit of time with him.

 I am sending blessings and love your way and his.

 Connected in and as

the ONE heart we are,

Sundari Dembe (Lafayette, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beloved Whit,

  The thought of you fills my heart with gratitude. Thank you for saying Yes and answering the Call with such faith and devotion. I am honored to call you and beloved family members of the Foundation for Inner Peace my extended family of God.

  I am blessed to have met you, blessed to have known your gentle, sweet, kind Presence, and blessed to witness your clarity. To teach is to demonstrate, and that is what you and Judy are - demonstrations of the Love of Christ - true Teachers of God - and I am forever grateful!

  Thank you for fulfilling your part so fully, for pouring your heart and life into translating our beloved ACIM into so many languages, and in doing so, supporting the awakening of countless brothers and sisters. On behalf of the whole world I bow my head, hands in prayer, in honor of your Life.

  With eternal Love, and overflowing gratitude,

Kirsten Buxton (Kamas, UT)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dearest Judy and family, I am so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you. Whit was such a loving, caring person. Every time we talked on the phone, I'd hang up with a smile...he was that kind of person (inspirational, wise, gracious...). The world is a better place because of his positive impact (what a legacy to pass on). God bless you. Love, Barbara

Barbara Cyphers (Walnut Creek, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I am still processing Whit's passing, and still short for words. In my 30 + years of working with Foundation for Inner Peace Judy and Whit became such a close family, that it is very hard for me to write of them as of separate entities. But true to the form, I will try.

We are one. And no one embodied concept of Oneness better than Whit. Being symbol of Love, he is Love. Being guided by the Holy Spirit, he always acted in the best interest of others. He was my boss, but I was never bossed around. He was my Friend, and I knew that this friendship could never be betrayed. He was my mentor, and he was teaching by demonstrating.

Beloved Judy, when pain subsides, we will see only light in his transition. Because as Helen said:

"A holy altar cannot be a tomb."

Russian Language translator of ACIM,

with all my love, Kira

Kira Feldgun (Calistoga, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Blessings of LIGHT" to the memory of "Whit"Whitson. His pioneering work with the C.I.M. has truly helped make this planet a more loving and safer place to be. Since 1980 the Course in Miracles has been my daily guide to what is now a profound inner peace. Sometimes I do have to remember to "Choose Once Again" :-) :-) :-)

Bryan Jones (Santa Rosa, CA)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"No one is sent by accident to anyone."

Dearest Judy, my heart is with you. I only wish this seeming change unfolds gently on your loving heart. Take heart, precious angel. Take heart. We are with you, holding the light from Canada, Halifax. Whit was exceptional man, a true gentleman. Never would I meet a more noble character, a kinder and more dedicated man to the Course and its message. In my mind you two remain the most "in love" couple I have ever met. He was a father figure to me, in many ways, just as you are a mother figure to me. Someone I could go to and talk about anything, beloved friend to both Little Zen and II, and one of the most compassionate, intelligent, generous and most kind people I have ever met. Whit has contributed to the Course, its many translations and its dissemination throughout the world throughout his life with you. Side by side with you, Bill and Kenneth, he helped in every possible way he could to make the message of the Course available to people all over the world. He was an ambassador to the Course. Let us not forget he was an extraordinary writer and left behind several outstanding books that delight in depth, elegance of character and humour. I owe Whit a great deal of gratitude for his constant support and love throughout the years we have met him, and wise advice when I need it most. I am a better human being, having met him. I am so grateful we got to see him one more time, earlier this year and share with each other our lives. He lives in our hearts forever. We remain chosen family, now and always. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Judy - his soul mate and best friend, Tam and all immediate family and friends and chosen family at home and around the globe. Love always leads to Love. We love you Whit. You live forever in our hearts. What an exceptional man! May you be blessed. We love you Judy. Take heart, Judy. Love and huge hugs to you, most precious and loving mom/friend. Love you forever.

Gabriela Ilie (Halifax)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

We love Whit so much and we love you, Judy. Our love now fully for you is still for both of you - always inseparable. The world is less alive for me today and I feel I cannot trust the world as much as I did, since Whit has moved beyond, because I could trust him so completely, as I could trust almost no-one else. And Yes, I know Whit is not gone and I do not feel he is gone. He will always be alive for us. We send our love to you Judy and are there for you in any way we can.

Lorin and Tara Hollander


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Whit, What at an Inspiring lifelong demonstration you have been, you are today and you will continue to be.

“He hears the sounds the senseless, busy world engenders, yet He hears them faintly. For beyond them all He hears the song of Heaven, and the Voice for God more clear, more meaningful, more near.” ACIM W-164.

What a blessing the many more years you were here, at One with Judy, listening to the HS, being truly helpful, in such a holy shared purpose: 27 ACIM translations are a foundation, a base, from which we can continue to listen to the HS, and like you Whit, also be truly helpful, representing Him who sent us. Certain to count with you Whit, at every step, Now are we one with Him Who is our Source.

With love and hugs, Alberto

Alberto Mendoza (Bogota, Colombia)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judy,

I know that you already know that Whit is with you, and will always be with you; you are One, and you both blessed Hugh and me so very, very much. I'm sending you love, peace and light...which is what you and Whit exemplified.

Gayle Prather (Tucson, AZ)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judy,

I meet you just twice but the love both of you embodied will be always in my memory.

I do not have the courage to tell Teddy Whit is now spirit, sometime it is easier to accept our own destiny than others.

A big, grateful hug Paola

Paola Mamone (Roma, Italy)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dearest Judy,

I can barely imagine how you are feeling at this moment! I am so sorry! I would like to let you know how much Whit and you mean to me! Although we've just met once in 2012, our constant email messages always filled me with joy, gratitude and love. I feel a deep connection with both of you, as if I've already known you for a very long time, from other life-times perhaps. I'm joined with you at this moment, sure that Whit is surrounded by God's Love and that Life is eternal. Please, feel my loving embrace and all my gratitude for being part of your lives for the last few years. We can only find solace in our Brother's words:


"Our Father, bless our eyes today. We are Your messengers, and we wold look upon the glorious reflection of Your Love which shines in everything. We live and move in You alone. We are not separate from Your eternal life. There is no death, for death is not Your Will. And we abide where You have placed us, in the life we share with You and with all living things, to be like You and part of You forever. We accept Your Thoughts as ours, and our will is one with Yours eternally. Amen."

Love and gratitude, Li

Eliane Oliveira (Araras, SP, Brazil)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judy and family (and Foundation),

This is just a simple message to say that you are all so very much in my mind ….. and with much loving thoughts ….

Best best wishes …..

Henri Theron, Afrikaans translator (South Africa)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beloved Whit,

I will always remember your gentleness and steadfast devotion. You and your beloved wife Judy have showered me with love, along with tens of thousands around the world, and you may never know how much your loving encouragement meant to me. We are Family, and our hearts will ever hold your love and your love of Jesus tenderly and everlastingly.


"Job well done beloved Whit" is what my heart is singing to you now! The day you passed I was with 60 ACIM students on a boat on Lake Chapala, in the Ajijic area of Mexico. It was a celebration of rejoicing, of bursting love and gratitude. I know how much you and Judy loved this area of Mexico, and I smile thinking of both of you here in Ajijic. We all celebrate your life, and your long and devoted partnership with Judy. We celebrate your many contributions to translating ACIM into 27 languages, and your HUGE contribution in Jesus' Plan of Awakening!


You once told Jesus in a prayer in China (many years ago when it seemed you were dying of cancer): "I'm your man!" Jesus resurrected you for your assignment with Judy and ACIM, which lasted for decades after that prayer was answered with a Calling.

For all of us in the ACIM community around the world, you ARE the Light of Christ forever shining, forever loving, forever gentle and kind. I see you everywhere Whit!!!!!!!!

Your forever friend,

David Hoffmeister (Kamas, UT)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Our deepest condolences to you all!

He was a warrior to the end!

Great memorial website you have done!

Best regards,
Robbin Peer Z. Johansson (Havdrup, Denmark)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear friends, Judy,

unexpected message....

Let us remember and honor this exceptional man, his calm approach and inner peace as we had the opportunity to experience him in correspondence and especially during the meeting of translators!

My thoughts are with You, Judy, and with all of You in FIP!

With love, Karel

Karel Silhanek (Czech Republic)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Judith,

May we both express our sincere condolences.

Whit is still with us. Love is his home, as always.

And we are with always.

A big hug from both

Polona Kovic,

dr. Jurij Kovic

Polona and Jurij Kovic


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Foundation for Inner Peace Team,

Thank you for this letter and the memorial website.

Athough I did not know Whit personally I always know him through his emails that he is a kind soul!

It was very nice to look at the photos of him. It’s a fine way to remember.

The whole publishing house offers our sincere condolences!

Best wishes,

Viktor Melher (Budapest, Hungary)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beloved Whit,

Sending you a long loving Hug across the universe.

"Those who are to meet will meet,

because together they have the potential for a holy relationship.

They are ready for each other."

Thank you for being in the right time for our meeting.

Thank you for your Commitment and Love. Thank you for your Function for God. Life of so many would have never been the same if it was not for you.

ACIM Israel community is waiving Shalom. We shall meet again.

You are always in my heart!

Love, Efrat

Efrat Sar-Shalom (Tel-Aviv, Israel)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Foundation of Inner Peace Team,

Please accept our condolences. In the course of the last 15 years it was a great honor and pleasure to work with Whit and we developed a great partnership.

Warm regards, Zbyszek Ploszczyca

Centrum, Publisher of the Course in Polish and Romanian

Zbyszek Ploszczyca (Poland)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Thank you, dear brother, for the time you shared with us, for your kind and gracious, at times even boyish smile which we so gratefully remember to accompany your sonorous and beautifully engulfing deep voice; for the fun and jokes you shared with us as well as your words of wisdom and all your insight on both the PAS and, much more so, self-evidently, on the Course.

   We would have so much loved to see you once more with our bodily eyes, Whit, but the images of the times with you are so vivid before our inner eyes we can rest content until the time we can eventually join you again in the infinite everything beyond the realms of illusion.

   And as much as there is some sadness in us now, just as much we're so endlessly happy you finally again are as God created you.

   Farewell, mighty brother, thank you for everything, our joy and gratitude are with you. We love you!

... and, as Judy just recently let us know that you very much liked the hugs forwarded via e-mail, I hope you enjoy this one as well. :-)

With some tears, but at last much more with a happy smile now,

Andrea & Florian (Rosenheim/Bavaria/Germany)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018 

When I think of Whit I am reminded of the words of W. Somerset Maugham

He is not famous. It may be that he never will be. It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water. But it may be that the way of life that he has chosen for himself and the peculiar strength and sweetness of his character may have an ever-growing influence over his fellow men so that, long after his death perhaps, it may be realized that there lived in this age a very remarkable creature.

Kathleen Korth (Greenbrae, CA)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with Whit just a few times over the past couple of years, and am very grateful to have had those opportunities. In my mind's eye I see his gentle smile, and hear his insightful, thoughtful, inclusive words ... He and Judy both are such wonderful examples of kind-hearted hospitality! As I have learned more about the 27 translations of ACIM recently, I'm realizing what a profound impact Whit's efforts have made on the global course community, too! Thanks to Deb and Judy for assembling all the great photos and the bio. "I have saved all your kindnesses and every loving thought you ever had" - T-5.IV.8:3

Bruce Rawles (Yachats, OR)

Contact Me


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dear Whit,

It was a pleasure to have worked with you for so many years through a translation project of A Course in Miracles.

"Peace be unto you who rest in God, and in whom the whole Sonship rests." (T-11.IV.8:4)

M.K. Di Placido (NJ)


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I will always remember him with deep respect and love. I will never forget his big tight hug.

Sermin Aral (Turkey)

Contact Me


Monday, February 12, 2018

Dear Whit-

Brother, Mentor, Colleague, Wise One, Fellow Journeyer.

I treasured our decades-long conversation in all its wisdom, intricacy and warmth. You leave a hole that none will fill. And yet, our dialogue continues -- no longer face to face and not necessarily in words, but in the oneness of Mind that we both share, always have shared, and always will share. Words become pure prayer now. So: "we will talk!" I offer you my boundless gratitude and love for this next phase of the journey.



Monday, February 12, 2018

Whit touched my life in a sweet way. Forever grateful

Ross Whitmore (San Anselmo, CA)


Monday, February 12, 2018

Whit, your contribution to healing is inestimable. "A miracle is never lost. It may touch many people you have not even met, and produce undreamed of changes in situations of which you are not even aware." Deepest thanks, dear brother, on your life and your homecoming. You have left a legacy of countless blessings.

Alan Cohen (HI)


Monday, February 12, 2018

Whit, We miss you so much already/. All my love, Deborah

Deborah Roberts (San Rafael, CA)


Monday, February 12, 2018

Mark & I were so happy to know and spend time with Whit. How grateful we are for his quiet kindness, great conversations and lifetime of contributions.


"Where God is, there are you. Such is the truth."


Much love, Jackie Lora Jones & Mark Jones

Jackie Jones (Los Angeles, CA)


Monday, February 12, 2018

“I am spirit. I am the Son of God. No body can contain my spirit, nor impose on me a limitation God created not.” This thought from the Course is how I feel when I think of Whit. He never was limited by the world, and he is now what he always was, a mighty spirit. No body is limiting my dear friend. Paul, Jeff, and I surround you, Judy, and your entire family with love and light as you heal.

Beverly McNeff (Anaheim, CA)


Monday, February 12, 2018

A dear and loving friend has move past this world beyond the veil, on Feb. 8 2018 Dr William Wallace Whitson left this illusion to awaking on the other side. I have known him down thru the ages and wish him safe sailing.


"So as through a glass and darkly, the age long strife I see, I fought in many guises, many names, but always me." George Patton.

All my love dear friend, see you in the other realm

Richard Hutchinson (Flagstaff, AZ)

Contact Me


Monday, February 12, 2018

I just learned about Whit's passing from Cindy and Gary and I wanted to reach to you and Judy in the fastest way possible. Our hearts and soul are with you and your mother during this time. He lives, forever. What an exceptional man! We owe him a great deal of gratitude for the many words of wisdom he shared with us during our last visit and so many times before. No matter how expected - it's a shock. We were numb when we heard (less than an hour ago). Alzena is in class. Her first response was disbelief and shock. She asked for the email Cindy sent me with the announcement. She said, "they promised each other another year..." memories of our times together flashed before our eyes. We pray this was a peaceful transition and that the news is unfolding as peacefully and gently as possible upon Judy, and you, and all around you. You, Judy and all the immediate family are all in our prayers and meditation. Alzena is coming home at 6:30 pm our time and we will do a meditation together and unite with Whit and you all in mind. With endless love. We are never apart. Love, forever. Gabriela

Gabriela Ilie (Halifax)


Monday, February 12, 2018

A wise, ‘worldly’ and loving man. Thank you for your stewardship of the Course, in so many ways. Eternally grateful. Ian

Ian Patrick (London, UK)


Monday, February 12, 2018

I only met Whit a few times, but I was wonder-struck by his strength, purpose depth, and especially his kindness. He honored me with his friendship... and a signed copy of his book "Test of Battle." You will be missed, My Friend.

Brad Cahill (Gardnerville, NV)


Monday, February 12, 2018 

Thank you for your dedication to the Course. You have contributed to the healing of many, including me. Enjoy your new found freedom. Peace to you, Judy as you experience this physical separation...but only for a moment.

Dianne MacAdam (East Springfield, PA)


Monday, February 12, 2018

Dear all at the Foundation for Inner Peace,

What an unexpected and sad news!

  Whit, – as Judith and you all are – was part of what I consider my American Family, and losing a family member is for me somehow unsettling.

  I remember from my first visit in 2010, after 16 years of correspondence without knowing each other, his welcoming presence, his gentleness and his open heart. And I want to express my goodbye with a sentence from the Course he’s for me a reminder of: “Love is the way we walk in gratitude”.

  Thank you Whit for having been part of my life.

In love,

Isabella Popani (Italy)


Monday, February 12, 2018

What a great and accomplished man he was, and yet such a gentle soul. I remember the very first time I saw him in the early 80's at Unity of Houston. I was so happy for Judith that she had found such a wonderful man. And even happier that she was sharing him with us! My condolences, love and blessings go out to his family and friends, and to the Course in Miracles world, for we have lost an important cog in our wheel. Gratefully, his spirit will always be there to uphold it!

Kathy Scott Perry (Houston, TX)


Monday, February 12, 2018

Bill, you are always a living demonstration of what the Course teaches. Thank You for sharing your light & blessings with All who met you. In Appreciation of Your Love, Always!

David Fishman (Hastings-on-Hudson, NY)


Monday, February 12, 2018

What a true blessing it has been to know this very gentle-man! So many fond memories of kindness, shared laughter about the "musings of this dream" (W.W.), "serious" in depth conversations. I will remember you as the kind and gentle heart you've been to me, with your unique smile and comforting voice that carried your message of love. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything and enjoy the "view"! See you on the other side! Peace, Andi

Andi Wagner (Rosenheim/Bavaria/Germany)


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Adieu for now, my Beloved Everything.

"Love is the way I walk in gratitude" for your noble and dedicated partnership. Keep holding on to my kite string until we can soar together. Your mission is accomplished, Love Judy.

Judith Whitson (San Rafael, CA)

© 2018 William Wallace Whitson

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