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Against the backdrop of dramatic political and social crises a hundred years ago, the series follows the story of a young pilot who:
Observes his father compete with the Wright brothers for first flight - Book I: SOMETHING GLORIOUS 1895-1905: (Amazon Link: Book I: SOMETHING GLORIOUS: 1895-1905)
Helps Glenn Curtiss defeat the Wright brothers in the first era of international air races - Book II: THE FLEDGLING: 1905-1912 (Amazon Link: Book II:THE FLEDGLING: 1905-1912)
Attends West Point (Class of 1916) and, together with the airplane during the first two years of WW I, begins to grow up - Book III: APPRENTICE WARRIOR: 1912-1916 (Amazon Link: Book III: APPRENTICE WARRIOR: 1912-1916);
Joins the Royal Flying Corps in time to fly the Nieuport 17 with 60 Squadron in the first Somme Campaign - Book IV: TEST OF BATTLE: 1916 (Amazon Link: Book IV: TEST OF BATTLE: 1916);
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