13 Ways to Empower Yourself
by Carol Hansen Grey
1. Be Yourself
Each of us has come into this world with a set of unique gifts: talents, interests, and abilities. It is only when we tap into those gifts and share them with the world that we truly become empowered. Give the world your greatest gift — Be Yourself!
2. Trust Yourself
We each have an inner voice that is there to give us guidance. All we need do is ask and we will be shown our next empowering step. Listen to your inner guidance and learn to trust yourself.
3. Believe in Yourself
When we have doubts about our abilities, we simply need to ask to have the thoughts transformed that are limiting us from being the full expression of our magnificence. This opens the door to personal empowerment.
4. Know Yourself
We often know others better than we know our own self. True empowerment comes from taking the time to examine all aspects of ourselves and then move in the direction of those aspects that bring us joy and fulfillment.
5. Free Yourself
Limiting thoughts keep us in a state of disempowerment. Aligning ourselves with a Divine power and asking for those limiting thoughts to be transformed results in the freedom and empowerment to achieve all our hopes and dreams.
6. Balance Yourself
Sometimes people or circumstances can pull you off-center. At times like these, bring yourself back into balance by imagining yourself in the calm eye of the storm where you can avoid getting caught up in the negative drama and chaos.
7. Empower Yourself
Buying into our limitations is the most disempowering thing we can do. Identify each disempowering thought, ask to have it transformed, and step into the magnificence of personal empowerment.
8. Love Yourself
It is impossible to truly love others unless your love yourself — it’s like trying to give water from a dry well. Learn to love yourself first, and you can then watch the ripple effect of your love spread, empowering yourself and those around you.
9. Express Yourself
Tapping into your creativity through art, music, dance or writing unleashes a boundless energy that enables you to share your gifts with others in a way that is empowering to you and those around you.
10. Celebrate Yourself
It is important to make time occasionally to celebrate yourself for the unique gifts and talents you bring to the world. It is through those times of acknowledgement and celebration that you can truly appreciate who you are and step into your empowerment!
11. Be True to Yourself
You may often be asked to follow a path that feels out of alignment with your internal compass. Take time to find the direction that aligns with who you are and feel the sense of empowerment it brings when you are true to yourself.
12. Value Yourself
We place value on gold and silver but often forget that our most precious commodity is found within ourselves. Take time to empower yourself by acknowledging that you are a precious gift to the world that is to be honored and cherished.
13. Envision Yourself
When you find yourself in a situation that is disempowering, take time to envision how you would like the situation to be, feel the empowerment of this new way of being and it will be drawn to you like a magnet.